Jun 02, 2004 17:05
"The man is a legend and we are going to show a whole new side of him. The Hoff will surprise people with his rap skills and humor." This here is a statement made by Ice T about Baywatch star David Hasselhoff. For some incredibly ridiculous reason Ice T thought it would be a good idea to make Hasselhoff into a rapper, "Hassel The Hoff".
Let's pull apart this statement by Ice T, "The man is a legend." Just because he is a legend does not give him the ability to rap. Quentin Tarentino is a legend but you don't see him pulling out a mic, maybe Quentin's good friend RZA will give him some lessons. Then Tarentino and Hassle The Hoff can have a battle. Hassel The Hoff will win because he will stun Tarentino with his baywatch speedos.
"The Hoff will surprise people with his rap skills and humor." That is just so fucking cute. Ice T has given Hasselhoff a nickname. Now he can take after him and use his rap name as his name for almost all the characters he plays. He will join Law And Order: Life Savers Squad and his character will be Hassle.
Rap skills and humour hey? Ice T definitely has both of these, so he can spot them from a league away of course. Watch out Vanilla Ice, here comes Hassel The Hoff. When his album hits the shelves no one will care about Vanilla Ice anymore because this will be a new all time low in the history of Hip hop.
I salute you David Hasselhoff, feel the wrath of my testicles.