Aug 14, 2007 15:43
I made a rather stupid mistake. I know that I was accepted to Miami U, but I never got information about my e-mail address, student ID, or ID card. Very curious. While running a myriad of errands this morning I happened to ask someone about this, and it turns out that there is a hold on my account! Back in February when I was accepted, I got a medical form from the U that I was supposed to fill out and return by a certain day. Needless to say I completely forgot. I talked to some people in Health Services and as long as I return the form soon it shouldn't be a problem, but I have to call UHS in Madison to get my immunization record which is in my medical record file which is in the basement of the UHS building. Oye. Hopefully this will all work out because I need to sign up for classes by Thursday since the semester starts on MONDAY! Ahh! And after I sign up for classes and before the first day of school, I need to go and pay my semester fees otherwise my appointment will be cancelled. The real world is kicking my butt.
Also, I think I live in a predominately WASP territory. Lord. Ryan went to a school board meeting last night where a couple came and in and spoke passionately about how Mexicans were stealing all of the jobs (umm... what Mexicans?). Also, at grad school orientation it became really apparent to me that diversity is pretty much ignored on this campus. The woman speaking to us from the diversity office named only three groups that we could join: an LBGTQ group, a Latin@ group, and a group for African Americans, all of which were formed within the last two years and all of which were simply groups providing support to people who identify as one of the aforementioned parties. Oye! She didn't mention any opportunities for average schmoes like me to get involved, which was something that I really wanted to do. This shall be very interesting.
I am going to end this entry with odd observations I have made since coming here:
1) People drive their cars EVERYWHERE! I have only seen 5 other people riding bikes in the past week. I have only seen one other student on a bike. All of the other people I see are older men that look like construction workers. It is obvious that the cars around here don't normally have to deal with a bike on the street because they give me a 10 foot berth. Why do people drive everywhere when the town is only about 2 miles wide? People were way weirded out that I rode my bike into campus (which is about a mile).
2) Directions to buildings are to name the building and assume I know where it is. Examples:
Me- Hi! Could you tell me where your technology services are located?
Ohioan- Yes, we are in Gaskill Hall.
M- Where is that?
O- You don't know where Gaskill Hall is?
M- Umm... no.
O- It is next to Roudebush Hall.
M- Wait... just tell me what street you are on.
O- [Weirded out tone] We are off of College Avenue
Different person and different day:
Ohioan- You'll have to go the Health Sciences building.
Me- Where is that?
O- You don't know where the Health Sciences building it?
M- Um... no. But I have a map and you could show me?
O- Do you know where the Admissions building is?
M- Um no.
O- [hands me a paper with directions to Admissions building] I assume you drove.
M- Uh no, I rode my bike.
O- [Weirded out] Just follow these instructions anyway. Health Sciences is behind Admissions.
M- Er... thanks.
3) Many people here have southern accents. WTF?
4) I swear Ohioans are worse than Germans at forming lines. It drives me crazy! And the other day when I was in a line a little old lady about half of my height was bullying me and trying to make me go faster. Very odd.
At any rate, today is wonderful because it is 20 degrees cooler than the average temp of last week. Blissful 80 degree weather. Off to do some laundry!