Yay, FTP!

Aug 18, 2007 03:54

I guess I should start with my work day... no, a bit before that.  So this afternoon I watched a few more episodes of Death Note; I'm now only 4 episodes away from the end.  I would've watched more, of course, except that I was sort of watching right up to the last minute before I had to leave for work.  I got to work just barely on time - I won't be cutting it that close again - and was hot, sweaty, and slightly flustered. Not a good combination of things to be at the beginning of a shift.  When I came in, one of my supervisors immediately put me to work putting things back on the shelves.  I actually enjoy doing that, but when one is re-shelving items while customers are in the store, one tends to be asked for assistance.  One guy came up to me and asked me to get someone in freezer/cooler to help him get eggs that were too far back in the fridge to reach.  A perfectly reasonable thing to ask, of course, but I had no idea to contact.  So I stopped another worker and asked, and she told me to page for someone using the phone.  I had never done this before.  I messed it up, of course, and was as a result even more flustered when I got back and started working my register.  I haven't been eating well either, recently, which I think contributed greatly to the decrease in energy I was feeling at that time.  But I wasn't hungry either.  Later, though, after I had taken my lunch, a friend of the family from church came through my line and encouraged me, and that really helped.  I got some of my spark back and managed to survive the rest of my shift quite effectively.

After work Lizzy came and picked me up and we basically hung out here for a while... she only left a little while ago.  We messed around with our blogs a bit more - she hosts me on her site - and she gave me a program to hook up to my ftp!!  So I'm definitely going to start messing with that again and get some more content on my website (it's the other homepage on my facebook page).  I'm excited to finally use it again... we'll see how long that lasts, right?  Haha.

Hmm, lots of random things are bouncing around someone in my head from this evening, but I'm too tired to remember it all right off and too tired to want to try.  Ah, well.  I have to sleep; work tomorrow evening...

One week left (that's 7 days, folks).

lizzy, summer, school, bunnie, death note, ftp, kayona, job, friends, sams

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