UltramanLah's hosting a Yousendit of doa's album, Open D. Of course I dl-ed it. Dude, it's DOA. XD
I must admit though, at the first listening, not a lot of songs jump out and grab you by the throat. Except, of course, Eiyuu, which is quite a few touches faster than everything else (face it, Mweeb's an Ultraman fan!), and maybe Shiro no Jumon. But then you get into utamap.com, and dig up a few lyrics, and then...well, everything seems a touch sweeter. Tokunaga Akihito has a gift with words, I tells ya.
So what do I have to say about this album? Um...
- Open D - Ah, feh, it's just a long piece of guitar strumming with the boys singing like two slow verses all the way at the end. Well, it's not grating on the ear or anything, but... 3/5 stars on Mweeb's WMP.
-Shiro no Jumon/The White Incantation - I think most of my flist has heard what the song sounds like (ED theme for SaiRel Gunlock), but it's a touch faster than the other songs. Just a touch. Not a lot of the strong guitar-work I've come to associate with doa's stuff, though. 4/5 stars on Mweeb's WMP.
- Siren - I'm still not sure if it's a break-up song or an incredibly sad love song, but it's soulful and the first chorus makes me melt all over the floor. 4/5 stars on Mweeb's WMP.
Hi No Tori No You Ni/Like A Firebird - Strong guitar-ness, and quite the inspiring song. Like Aoi Kajitsu, the song starts off slow before the background beat kicks up. English/Engrish comes free. On a rather creepy note, it does remind me of Hotel California (you'll understand when it comes near to the chorus) 5/5 stars on Mweeb's WMP.
- Uzumaku Yozora/Whirlpooling Night Sky - Another one of doa's more subdued songs. Quite slow, very steady rhythm, bit throaty on the voices. I wouldn't mind playing this at a wedding, let's just say that. And the lyrics are nice, too. :) 4/5 stars on Mweeb's player.
- Sakamichi/Hill Road - ...Nicelah. Because...it's nicelah. *every single TOA lecturer kills Mweeb for doing what she's never supposed to do* Owwww.... 3/5 stars on Mweeb's WMP.
- Mujintou/Uninhabited Island - Interesting love song, anyway, but, well, it's not Eiyuu. Author mentioned some posts before is using it for his fanfic's 'ending theme'. Brings a whole new meaning to songfic... I would loudly ponder if the person knew how to distinguish 'fiction' from 'movie', but no. 3/5 stars on Mweeb's WMP.
- Haru Ichiban Ni/First Thing In Spring - Bouncy! Another one of those songs with interesting lyrics, and uh...more guitarwork. Mweeb likes guitars. :D A very summery song, despite the title. 4/5 stars on Mweeb's WMP.
- Jiyuu To Iu Na No Brand/A Brand Named Freedom - ...Interesting lyrics, nice beat, but I just don't UNDERSTAND this song. O_o 3/5 stars on Mweeb's WMP.
- Eiyuu/Hero - You gotta be kidding me. This thing gets worshipped just for being one of the most 'up' Ultra OP themes since Take Me Higher. Uh, to be more objective, a little faster than ther doa efforts with a good strong beat in the back. 5/5 stars on Mweeb's WMP from several months ago.
- Shin Sekai/New World - short, and even bouncier than Haru Ichiban Ni. Nanananananana~ 3/5 stars on Mweeb's WMP.
In conclusion, for those who want to see what doa's range of performance is, I'd probably recommend Uzumaku Yozora and Eiyuu. For those who want doa at what Mweeb thinks is its best, Eiyuu and Aoi Kajitsu - which isn't on the album. And for those completely stuck on doa's UM efforts alone - well, just stick to that. Most of the songs here are nothing like Eiyuu, except for value and merit of lyrics. Hail Tokunaga XD