Whatcha gonna do when they come for you...bad boys, bad boys

Jan 03, 2005 14:47

Yesterday, I spent most of the day helping people out. I got a new (used) car Saturday, so after church on Sunday, I had to help clean up the Mazda. Then after that, Belle called. I promised to help her move into her new apartment. I helped until about six, then I went to pick up Ganghiss (I had promised to take him to Target). Right as we were walking out of Target, Tim (Michaels friend) called and asked if I'd go see a movie with them. He also asked a lot of questions about MaiTai because he's...interested to say the least. So we went to see Blade 3 (Awesome!!) They drooled over Jessica Biel, and I drooled over Ryan Reynolds (who buffed up!! OMG...when he was all topless chained up in that cage...sigh).
Anyway...after the movie we were meeting at Michaels house, but first I showed Tim the campus (which translates to gave him more info on MaiTai...lol). But when I was on campus, there was this red light that was taking forever. I seriously sat for 3 minutes before I got frustrated and ran it (Tim told me to!). There were no cars on the streets at all. But as soon as I ran it, I saw the ominous blue flashing lights behind me. He let me off with a warning for running the light, but I didn't have any proof of insurance with me :(. SO I have to go show the people that the car was insured. It was frightening, but okay in the end. After the cop left, Tim was like, "The only reason you got away with that is because you're a cute girl. If I was in that seat, he would of slapped a ticket on me!" It made me laugh.
When we got to Michael's house, we called MaiTai, and Tim worked his magic. I don't know if he is what she is looking for (I don't think she's looking for anything) but he is a great guy, and I hope she give him a chance.
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