Video Games of the Moment I

Nov 16, 2008 18:31

The little "Writer's Block" prompts are pretty annoying. I dunno, they put them at the top of the front page every day like they're so important but a lot of them are just really inane. Do other people read them? And do people actually write entries about them? Like...seriously...

Sundays are always pretty lame.

When I can't stand to think about my own life, I find it basically impossible to write, even about other things. I don't suppose there's anything I can really do about it except keep pushing. But I don't have anything to say about the way I spend my time.
I mean, can you imagine?
"Oh, I was playing my new Harvest Moon today in bed when Mom came in and asked if I wanted to go and play Wii Fit with her. It's really a one-person thing but she kept asking anyway. I guess she just doesn't want to figure out how to do it herself. Ironic, because the Wii interface is really the simplest in history."
(Seriously, she couldn't figure out where the A button was. Um....)

Sometimes when you're playing a game, you just need the strategy guide. But part of the whole satisfaction of the experience is that you figure the things out yourself. Otherwise it's just work.
For me, once I start reading something, I just can't stop. So if I open up a strategy guide for one thing, it has a pretty good chance of basically destroying the whole game. Usually with guides I can restrain myself a little bit, but...
I always have to wait until I get a good portion of the way through a game before I open up a strategy guide. But when games don't have learning curves, it creates issues.
Damn, I'm still pissed about getting duped twice on the DS-closing feature. Both times I kept trying to circumvent these ridiculous unsolvable problems when it turned out that all you had to do was close the system and then open it again. It was added as a convenience, not a gameplay mechanic!
Well, next time there's some impossible thing, I guess I know what I'm going to do.

People like the Wii, but companies don't take it very seriously. I really don't want to sink my money into another system, but I need to play regular video games too. Ugh. "Oh, well, the graphics aren't as good as the 360, so let's not even bother programming for it." Umwhat? And that whole Rock Band Wii gimp was such a jip, too. They really couldn't have squeezed in even a LITTLE character creation? Or at least the option to skip those "audience applauding" videos at the end of every song? Watching that weird-looking emo band take a bow at the end is just annoying. I mean, if it were MY weird-looking emo band, I'd be all for it. But rihhleh. It's not.

But what's new in the world of games with plots? I've been so busy RockBanding, WiiFitting, HarvestMooning, MapleStorying, and so on....
Although I guess I'm still set with the amazingness of TWEWY and its characters, for now. Oh, it's Sunday...maybe I'll have an anime night.

Oh, wow, it looks like I did end up writing a whole entry like that.
Anyway, I titled this entry "Video Games of the Moment I" because there will probably be future installments.

geekiness, video games

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