My Family at Hogwarts, part 1?

Nov 15, 2008 10:33

Teen rebellion once again: whenever my mom does something, even if it's really a very kind thing to do, it ticks me off. People are supposed to leave home at a certain age. It's before 18.

Once in a while when I get really bored, I start sorting my family into Hogwarts houses. (Yeah, I'm just THAT cool.)
My younger sister- extreme Hufflepuff, like coming out the ears. Hardworking, loyal, fair, and so on. She is a little impatient, though...always has been. Still, this is a girl who gladly writes extra papers, who is outraged by accidental shoplifting (long story), who takes a lot of trouble to do things for her friends even though they're all pretty annoying. A 5th year Hufflepuff--how cute!
My cousin Max- absurdly Ravenclaw. Crazy academic over there, and the only explanation I ever get from him is, "I want to do it to learn stuff." I guess at private school, this is a less ridiculous notion. He's also a geek/otaku for sure. Ok, not a hugely convincing argument, but if you knew the guy, you'd get it immediately. My fellow 7th year--except of course that he is doing well. (Head Boy or something. I dunno.)
My mom? I guess Hufflepuff, but for different reasons than my sister. This is a woman who I treat like crap, but she still does anything and everything for me...that kind of patience and loyalty is ubelievable. Seriously, if I were her, I probably would have just walked out by now. Mom also taught me about the brotherhood of our people, and how we have to stick together (because nobody else is going to do it). But yeah, she's an adult, of course...
My dad would be a difficult sort...he's not very expressive, so after all these years I'm sometimes left in the dark about what he really believes. But he's funny...and after a long day he wears his heart on his sleeve. He seems perfectly happy with just the family, and most of the things he does are for our benefit. Oh yeah, and he's a total momma's boy. He likes historical battleships, and makes a habit of paying to go out to the movies even though he falls asleep, snores really loudly, and embarrasses everyone involved. Oh, and there are certain Slytherinish aspects to him, do not want to be in the car when he has road rage. I dunno. I couldn't really define him, even though I spend a lot of time with him.
My older sister? I dunno. We don't often spend time together. For all I know, she could have become a Ravenclaw in college. But then the crusading thing (the way she talks about feminism makes ME feel like a sexist! I'm a girl too, you know!)... Then there's the booze thing...yeah, I think she's always been a Gryffindor, but she's more recently become the kind that I like. We're really not similar at all...

I dunno, I don't have time for the rest of the family. We've got to go on a daylong schlep so that my grandparents can see another one of these obnoxious Vassar chorus concerts where they sing "classical" (read: Jesusy) vocal music.
To be continued? Maybe.


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