Mar 19, 2006 06:24
Spring Break, I dunno if I like it or not...
6-10 page Kyoto Project paper due April 5th
RTG Assignment done
Discover Nuclear Fusion? impossible, unless there is a place with 30 million degrees Kelvin
I could use some tridium
yet, couldn't I use low gas prices
1 nuclear power plan can supply 90% of Vermonts electrical power needs per year
wait, 1 nuclear power plant runs on 3.5 grams of U-235 per day
7300kg of U-235 would supply the world with all of it's energy need
The House of the Scorpion is a good book
English 2 sucks
Who cares about robots and whether they are human
Is a clone human?
Do I have a soul
If I don't, then would I go to hell?
45 is the magic number
Must get A-NRE B-Eng B-Calc 2
HOPE is useful
Dad is cool, mom is bizarre
food is good, halo is better
Still sad and lonely
but aren't we all?
Say Anything May 3rd
You better be there
Time for social change
Why is China making out oil costs go up
Bush is a retard...moon is for dumbies
93 on NRE midterm...thumbs up
NRE is fun now, wasn't before