I realize that this is the same league that brought us 15-year ridiculously front-loaded contracts (I'm looking at you, Kovalchuk) but this latest abomination takes the biscuit. The charming and delightful
herenowhere3 clued me in on the NHL's newest way to separate puckbunnies from their hard-earned dollars (American and Canadian).
I give you the CHAMPAGNE JERSEY!
http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/blog/puck_daddy/post/Hey-ladies-Shop-NHL-s-latest-sparkly-abominatio?urn=nhl-261445#remaining-content "Subtle sparkle" ?! This thing looks like Studio 54 exploded and they call it 'subtle'? Now, I will admit to owning a Pens shirt with crystals. And they ARE subtle. In my defence, I loved the color and style of the shirt, not the fact that it was OHMYGODSPARKLY. See?
I don't look like I was attacked with a bedazzler. And the shirt is good quality: no cheap-looking foil stuff and those damn Swarovski crystals are pricy. (They come from the Czech Republic...land of Sykora, so respect the Swarovski, people). These champagne monstrosities are not only not subtle, but they accomplish what the Alyssa Milano NHL clothing line did times 10: they look incredibly cheap while being terribly overpriced. Who are they marketing these things to? The cast of Jersey Shore? (Nevermind, even those cretins wouldn't stoop so low as to be Devils fans).
And is it just me or does the design remind anyone of a bowling shirt? The colorblocking does look eerily similar, plus the 'embroidery'-type script on the back doesn't help matters any. So, basically NHL marketing execs got together and came up with a brilliant idea for the female fan: a disco bowling shirt that's distractingly cheap and tacky and - oh, yeah - just happens to sort of feature an NHL team logo which is rendered almost unrecognizably in shiny candy-wrapper material that will surely fall apart after the first wash. AND featuring cheesy silver studs around the collar that are destined to fall off and land in your beer during the next home game. Oh, and one more thing: each jersey, regardless of team, will feature Penguins Vegas Gold circa 2003 on the sleeves, clashing with actual team colors be damned.
Dear, misguided NHL. I love that you make shirts for women. I love that you make jerseys for women. After years of buying mens' jerseys and practically tripping over them it's wonderful to have a jersey that FITS. A reasonably authentic jersey, that is: true to team colors and design. Not PINK, not SILVER and certainly not SHINY and/or SPARKLY. Please concentrate on fit and leave the weird colors and materials out of it, ok? That's all most reasonable female fans want. Stop making so much tacky shit PLEASE!
Ok, a little Swarovski is fine, just don't fucking overdo it.