
Apr 20, 2007 10:24

I find it quite hard to write for public viewing, even tho I know that its mostly just friends who will see this. Thats my main reason for writing. I feel very much on the periphery of life at the moment. I am not participating but it keeps me alive to read what eveyone else is doing, good or bad. I check nearly every day, just to see what friends are up to.
I missed the Clan Council and I so wanted to be there with friends. It was great to see all the stuff about it on the boards and to read people's comments. Ye Gods, that sounds pathetic! But its true, it keeps me in contact with th real world.
My unreal world is still going on. Mum goes from Good to bad and back to mediocre. On Monday she moved to the 'local' cottage hospital at Bodmin which is only 20 miles instead of 33, which was Truro. She had a lousy journey because no one had told the ambulance that she was not mobile, so she couldn't get out of her wheelchair and an hour in an ambulance in a wheelchair is crap when you don't understand what is happening. I thought she probably wouldnt survive the week, but the nurses cared for her like they were a comforting warm blanket, making a fuss of her and I thought I could give myself a break and only stick to visiting hours. Next day she was bathed, hair done and dressed. Looking great and using the odd phrase of French. (She doesn't speak French) (?????) mum was certainly off with the Fairies on Tuesday. I left with a spring in my step and confidence in the hospital. Next day, hospital was still ok but Mum was not. She hardly focused on me, didn't say more than grunts and single words and was not able to stand without a hoist. Not good. Yesterday it was a bit better but not much. I think she had had another TIA. (mini stroke) So I don't know what to expect now. Its getting hard to keep the cheerful face.

Add to that I've been in off and on contact with work, but last week I went in and my boss, Emma, showed me the new job description for what they hoped I would do, with reduced hours , all of which suited except they obviously oped I would be back soon. I cna't give a back to work date, I don't know what the hell is happening and coulnt concentrate even if I did go back. But they have let me have 4 months leave, unpaid of course. Now I know I could do the legal thing and insist on my rights(when I find out what they are) but they are offerin a mutual termination of contract, which will mean some redundancy pay, with the option that I can do freelance for them. That was what we discussed. It will need to be ratified and it seems like the best way for all concerned, just seems a bit final, tho I know its not.

But on the up side tonight I am going to Plymouth with a friend to see Madam Butterfly performed by the Welsh National Opera and I have just booked 2 nights in a caravan on Dartmoor for me nd Peter. A complete break for just 2 nights and then Charlie comes down. So there's hope for my sanity yet.

and I know you lot will send hugs....cue hugs.... and it does help as does just knowing that there is a life elsewhere which I can live vicariously. AND... I am planning on seeing most of you at the end of May just to see what this GEF thingy is going to be like. So there!
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