Apr 07, 2007 10:37
First a piece about our ridiculous would be lodgers. A pair of Jackdaws have decided to nest in our chimney. Not really desirable at any time, but even less so as there is a fire underneath. We run our fire 24 hours to heat the water and the house. The birds keep dropping sticks down, some of which stick, some just fall and burn straight away. The trouble is that they are so persistent and spend all morning and most of the afternoon attempting to nest build. We have almost a nestful every day. Now another pair have taken to helping them. Peter has to regularly pull the stuck twigs down , along with a fall of soot, otherwise there is the risk of a chimney fire. They've been at this game for a couple of weeks, with luck they'll soon get the hint. They dont worry about smoke, noise or even a sweeps brush going up towards them. They just fly away and come back in a bit. Damn birds.
The less amusing part of my post to my friends follows. I wont be able to make it to the Clan Council this year. My mother is currently in hospital is too confused to go home and because she needs specialist care, and lots of it, its going to take time to find somewhere for her. So I need to go to see her every day, to help her eat her lunch and to remind her to drink and to give her something to remember.
Dear Mum, she currently thinks she is in a train at Bromley South Station, or waiting for the 410 bus. I need to remind her where she is almost every hour. The ward is a renal ward, as she had a Urinary Tract Infection when she was admitted. They are horrendously short staffed and if I don't go in at lunch time to help her with her meal, she won't get to eat all of it because they can't dedicate a member of staff just to her for 20 minutes. They don't have time to talk to her either, she could almost go for the whole day if it wasn't for the other patients who are lovely to her.
I hope we can get a place in a care home soon, but it will mean a special place due to her level of Dementia and the speed of her deterioration. All I can hope for is that she goes quickly.
So as you can see I am needed here more than at the event. Have a great time. Hugs to you all.