Guess the Fandom Meme

Nov 08, 2006 19:08

Stolen from dracothelizard, who robbed it from several other people.

Summarize 10 of your fandoms in one sentence, then see who on your friends' list can guess each fandom.

I’m also stealing Draco’s idea of writing the summaries from the point of view of someone who hates the show/book/movie/game/whatever. ;-P

It’s All About…

1. Captain Baldy and a shower of fools pontificating about non-interference while teaching the robot how to linedance.

2. Some skinny bitch whining about having superpowers, which explains why the creator is now writing X-men comics.

3. Two gnomes and other magical creatures wandering around in Fairyland for eleven hours.

4. Horrible children making their little pets fight.

5. Wondering why they’re food and if it’s supposed to be ironic.

6. The same recycled storylines over and over again, with a celebrity voice thrown in to boost the ‘plot’ and draw in viewers.

7. At least 100 long complicated storylines converging in a tournament where fellas beat the shite out of each other.

8. The menacing villain being unmasked as a whining mama’s boy played by a plank of wood.

9. Police cops who are robots, and lots of Catcher in the Rye references.

10. Supposedly intelligent people who don’t recognise a coworker when he’s wearing a different outfit.



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