Wankery ahoy!

Nov 08, 2006 14:32

This is the kind of thing that princessmusey would call “trying to stir up wank in the absence of GAFF”. Good thing I no longer care what she thinks.

Everyone’s favourite wanker shadsie posts a TL;DR spiel about how bad fanfic will always be with us because people like crap. I make the following comment:

“Wow, it took you this long to figure out that people like crap? Was popular culture not a clue?”

Shadsie replies, and then deletes my comment and hers. Hmm.

I make a snarky remark about how my comment has disappeared and how only babies delete. This is what she refers to in her wanky ETA. She also deleted my comment.

Well, a bigger person would walk away now. Unfortunately for Shadsie, it’s red rag to a bull time! I now intend to comment with the same thing over and over until she stops deleting any opinion that isn’t “Steaming pile of WORD with ICORN LURVE sauce!!!! Tell me about your fic please mistress!!!”

Yes, I’m sure many of you are shaking your heads and think I’m being petty. I don’t care. I don’t mind having my comments deleted in someone else’s LJ. I don’t mind the mods of a comm. deleting my comments because they’re breaking the rules. But I will not be censored by a condescending wanktank like Shadsie on a public comm. which she does not moderate simply because I didn’t bury my face in her crotch like she wanted. Fuck her.


trolling, gaff, wank

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