Ten hours. Ten fucking hours.

Feb 05, 2006 15:23

Wasn't on the 'Net for four days, then I logged on last night and didn't log off until TEN HOURS LATER. Is that healthy? Is that normal? Fuck no. And all I did was get really, really pissed off. Pissed at GAFF, pissed at other people's LJs. That's not a good sign. It's only the goddamn Internet. It shouldn't affect me that way ( Read more... )


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denimjo February 5 2006, 23:18:20 UTC
Okay, since it's been brought up here: does anyone reading this LJ think I was just trying to start up 'wank?' I had just finally hit my boiling point and wanted to illustrate the latent hypocrisy in some GAFF members and though starting a thread about it would be the most appropriate way.

I am almost tempted to make a poll about it (namely, 'Do you think expecting other people to behave in a manner that you yourself are not capable of is hypocritical?'), but that would be considered shit-stirring, wouldn't it?



knorg February 5 2006, 23:22:48 UTC
I really don't think you were after wank.


madra_liath February 5 2006, 23:27:39 UTC
I don't think you were trying to start up wank, Denimjo. Like I said in my post here, the GAFF forums as a rule are havens of hypocrisy. In the CC, the hypocrisy is kicked up a notch. (Who couldn't love the delicious irony of Heywood starting the "Kiddies..." topic, then stomping out of "Topic Closed" seven pages in, like a fucking child, once people called him on his pompous, woe-is-me bullshit? I swear, the first little bit of that thread is a screech.) However, this particular display - the older GAFFers abandoning all the usual unwritten laws of Gabbery because it's "one of their own" - was of hypocrisy of phantasmagorical proportions. Knorg's nature parody summed it up perfectly. (Knorg, why do you have to be a funny asshole? I can't hate you if you keep making me laugh.)

If anything was going to prompt someone to post a thread on hypocrisy, it was gonna be that. I don't see a huge amount of difference between your thread, and Loki's "Open Letter to GAFF" that was posted a while ago.


saraswathi_rani February 5 2006, 23:33:00 UTC
Heh- I love being the catalyst of the "Topic Closed" wank. I think it's the only thing that earns me a footnote in GAFF history.

Oh, and do I count as an "Older GAFFer" (Most would disagree, since I've only been around for a year and a half or so.)? Most of the oldbies seem to have an ugly reputation nowadays, eh?

I feel slightly guilty for avoiding directly participating in wank now that I've tiptoed back into GAFF- I've sort of dipped my toe in it by posting in the "Old GAFFers" thread, but that's about it. Am I missing too much fun?

Oh, and while I'm getting really off-topic: WTF is up with the winter_rose thread? How much can they honestly say about her that takes up 25+ pages?


madra_liath February 5 2006, 23:54:34 UTC
do I count as an "Older GAFFer"
I should clarify - when I say "older GAFFer", I mean the ones who remember the VOY and IF boards, the ones who have been there since the beginning (or shortly after the beginning).

WTF is up with the winter_rose thread? How much can they honestly say about her that takes up 25+ pages?
But didn't you know, Hydra, that she's a huge racist, and oh-so-shallow (which on GAFF is nearly as bad)? Never mind that she's probably not one bit serious about anything she writes in there. In fact, she's probably Knorg. ;-P


(The comment has been removed)

denimjo February 6 2006, 08:41:04 UTC
*laughs herself silly*


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