Ten hours. Ten fucking hours.

Feb 05, 2006 15:23

Wasn't on the 'Net for four days, then I logged on last night and didn't log off until TEN HOURS LATER. Is that healthy? Is that normal? Fuck no. And all I did was get really, really pissed off. Pissed at GAFF, pissed at other people's LJs. That's not a good sign. It's only the goddamn Internet. It shouldn't affect me that way.


This SgianDubh business (and I've got no problem with her, don't think I have) is exactly why I don't respect most of the older GAFFers. (Well, that and the first two and a half pages of the Topic Closed thread, wherein Heywood complains about the horrors of being fangirled and is coddled by the other CCers, who are all going "Ah, muise, don't worry, we'll get dose bad ol' fanbwats for 'oo"; but that at least was entertaining.) I know hypocrisy runs rampant on that forum, but this is taking it just a bit too far. Can't wait to see if Cris-X gets smacked for making a "Hi! I'm Old!" thread.


I'm really, really tempted to leave a scathing comment in someone else's LJ, but I'd better not. Already made my point elsewhere.


Oh, is it bad that I hope you get your comeuppance real soon?


Interesting that the skinny people thread got moved to the JMWF. Now BlueMondays will have something else to whine about. Fighting with her was a bright spot last night, though.

Knorg's probably delighted.


At least my latest spork is getting more replies than the first one. I think timing might be a factor.



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