Jul 14, 2005 21:51
Ahh he I sit partaking in the fruits of my hard labor... literally. I'm eating toast with tomato...homegrown tomato...ahh the best kind. Although, that damned thing too me forever to grow ... but ahh so worth it. Ok I know right the intro today is lame ... its from a Space GhostCoast to Coast episode from back in the day... God I love Space Ghost. Which randomly brings me to thing about my sisters... you know who you are..... I erh hope so anyway. Melissa that was a wonderful comment you made so I'd like to thank you for that it really made my day today... I shed tears of WATERFALLS!!! Really and seriously thank you and I love you, I'm sorry too that i can't post on your journal. I agree with you I think that not only you and I but the three of us have kind of drifted apart a bit, but I hope that we can remedy that... no, I know we can! How you ask? Well I'll tell you, through the best way of bonding any human now, today, and always will ever have... Dance Dance Revolution!!! :::Pauses::: ahhh the tomato she is is wonderful :::ends pause::: yes Dance Dance Revolution !! Ladies and Gentleman its best not to ask. I miss my family in Florida but I guess I'll soon have my own family to worry about since I just found out I'm soon going to be the mother of a 5'3" 110lb 17 year old named Melissa who is actually my younger sister so that now my life is even more like Jerry Springer, notice I say more like. Well life is looking up a bit for me. Even though I'm going to have to hold it together seeing Wanda tomorrow, after the fact Jason and I are going to look at some apartments at Brier Creek the even better news is that they're owned by the same people I live at now so I only need 30 days notice and I the transition should be much easier. God thing number two I plan on getting another cell phone tomorrow and then camping in front of Target till Saturday morning waiting for the new Harry Potter book. Man I hat it though I'll pick up the book and keep reading it till I'm done and then I'll be pissed because I don't have the last one ! Oh well I'm glad though at least I MIGHT be able to afford it seeing as how I just received my state tax refund, crappy and small as it is its still money I don't have, and tomorrow I get paid... although the bulk of that goes to bills. Oh well I'll find some happiness in that I may have to work at it! :::break:: mmmmm tomatoey :::end break::: ahh tomato all gone but hey plan B to get Harry Potter has been formulated ... I'll just attack someone dressed as a priest, tell them they're evil satan mongers and they're going straight to the 7th circle of hell... then I'll steal their book and run like a Mexican out of Wal-mart.Oh well I guess I'll have to build my strength for tomorrow I do need some sleep.....
... Clock out....