(no subject)

Feb 13, 2006 04:33

PHEW. Finally caught up with my flist - had to go back 1000 entires, though. O_O Been slacking lately, settling into my new job and all. It bloody took me ALL night - and I had to skim at points to save my sanity, you understand, so sorry if I missed something or if you've gotten a sudden flush of comment notifications in your inbox. :B


But yeah - job! I'm a barmaid, now. :D 'Tis fun. Packed in the waitressing because one of my bosses was treating me like crap - shame, but still, if I'm working minimum wage and I'm putting a ridiculous amount of effort into it and getting nasty remarks - well, I don't need that. Working in a nice local pub for practice now. :) Slow shifts, getting to know the regulars - where I wrote most of Hot Soak, by the by. I can pull an excellent pint now, if I do say so myself. :p

You do get to meet random people, though. It's fascinating. And it's local, and an alarming amount of people have come in and gone "why, if it isn't Amy behind the bar!" or, "You'd be Mel's daughter, right?" - and I have NO idea who they are. :/

This one guy was my nextdoor-but-one neighbour, and got incredibly huffy and puffed out his chest when I didn't know who he was! He asked to put a pint on his tab, see, t'was unavoidable. "But - but everybody knows me!" My sarcastic side had to be strangled into submission at that, I tell you.

And there's this friendly regular - told me I was getting to be part of the 'family', does go on with himself - he brings in his Jack Russel (wanted to type 'Daniel's there - can tell I'm around alcohol, can't you?) puppy! I wanted to squee OMGRON'SPATRONUS!!!, but quickly deferred to an exceptable level of admiration. Damn cute, I tell you.

Incidentally, there's this old bloke called Ronny that waffled on to me for ages about how much he loved his job, working with and helping people with disabilities. I thought that was lovely. And another oldish guy who prattled on about my hair and how his young girlfriend's is so similar ('I thought when I came in, "oh shit, she's here!" *cue Figgy laughing* Err - without the "oh shit", I mean') and how I should be proud of it.

There's a rough-looking bloke as the chef, who's actually completely pleasant and friendly - nice surprise. Rip-roaring cook too, makes these really delicate salmon twirls, would never think to look at him. It's so funny. :)


Can't for the life of me remember who, but someone on the lovely flist directed me to Orisinal - it's an absolutely ADORABLE games website - totally from the norm of online gaming, everything is so beautiful and cute! I'm getting addicted to this particular one about these two little mice gathering sugar cubes for their tea. They make such adorable little 'ack!' noised when they get hurt, honestly. C:

real life

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