(no subject)

Oct 31, 2008 09:30

From a Washington Post Editorial denouncing the McCain camp's smears of Dr. Rashid Khalidi and Obama. It's fair to question why Mr. Obama felt as comfortable as he apparently did during his Chicago days in the company of men whose views diverge sharply from what the presidential candidate espouses.
Really? It's a legitimate political question why a professor spent time with people who didn't agree with him?

I mean, okay, I guess it's fair to mention that he's capable of having discussions with people who disagree, who could potentially even challenge his worldview or -gasp- prompt him to think about something. Fair to mention that he's capable of seperating personal relationships and political disagreements. But have we gotten so used to George W. Bush that we now think that's not a good thing? The capacity for debate and respectful disagreement, the ability to listen to differing opinons is actually somehow a suspect quality?

wtf, politics

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