madman101 Jul 29, 2016 21:29
kismet and karma, push-me pull-you, universe - origami universe, animals - birds, psychology - theft, all * entropism, physics - tesla coil, unoriginality, holograms, 70 deadly sins - pettiness, animals - birds - pigeons, physics - tesla, mccanney - james, physics - plasma, physics - electricity, tesla - nikola, universe - electrical universe theory, coincidence / synchronicity, tesla - car company, irony / (sardonicism) and see humour
madman101 May 06, 2014 18:28
brain - hologram, physics - multi/dimensionality, definitions / my terms, all * entropism, physics - superluminal info transfer, physics - light / photons, holograms, "wavicle", +++, chaos theory - butterfly effect, brain - epilepsy, my terms / definitions, entropism, entropy * and see physics / time, physics - quantum entanglement, all * entanglement, physics - quantum indeterminacy, #5, #2