madman101 Feb 27, 2013 23:21
psychology - adhd, toxins - lead, health - autism / aspergers, health - vaccines / debate, psychology - schizophrenia, brain - schizophrenia, depression, witches!, psychology - bipolar/ manic depression, brain - encephalitis, health - v * viruses, brain - autoimmune, urban gardens, brain - nmda, animals - parasites, demonic possession, brain - autism / aspergers
madman101 Apr 11, 2012 20:45
life, all * entropism, consciousness/ nature of consciousness, art - and creativity, health - sleep, mind - and brain, all * consciousness, poetry - young - dean young, education, depression, s- 'awake' (series), s- poetry - 'awake' (series), therapy, stress, forgiveness, poetry / poems - and see my poems
madman101 Feb 18, 2010 23:14
commons, occupy / o_c_c_u_p_y, religion as moral wedge, spirit, insurance, entropy - and dissonance, psychology - optimism - false optimism, faux middle, dismotivation in insurance, self-determination, risk and risk aversion, insurance and ponzi schemes, all * consciousness, my migraines, ponzi schemes, political - communism, economics - capitalism, economics - externalisation of/secondary, psychology - dismotivation, economics - counterproduction, dissonance, economics - smith adam, psychology - learned helplessness, all * mob psychology, counterproduction, bb - corporatism - and see econ, -posted to economic_sanity, cognitive dissonance in counterproductio, all * entropism, psychology - cognitive psychology, absolutes / -ism / abstraction, economy - permanent war economy, psychology - intermittent reinforcement, all * health care / insurance, economics - capitalism - pro-capitalism, sheepification, revolution / revolutions, dismotivation, dismotivation and risk, depression, spirit and self-determination, entropy * and see physics / time, economics - war, rose-coloured helplessness, bean-counting ethic, bb - corporatist elites / cap / govt, free enterprise, smith - adam, food - cornbread, insurance companies, problem of the middle