SUPPLANTATION - Possession Part 7 / (POAP Part 20)

Jul 01, 2024 15:48

I am unable to review earlier posts in this series, "POSSESSION", since I am offline at home for about a week.

But, I suppose I can try for an entry covering one important concept, or angle, of psycho-physical possession. And I forgot how I was originally conceptualizing this post. It's about 6:pm, but I think I can do it.

This post is a part of TWO different series:

POSSESSION - (Be sure to see there the related, " THIEVING OF THE WILL").

Starting off, the idea of possession is first based on existential bias - the need to continue existing, (like the law of momentum/inertia), in one place and time, even if at the expense of other entities or lives. This bias is necessary in Nature, and fundamental to the creation of overall reality and time.

Springing from this original bias, is the phenomenon of existential envy. Wishing to BE, or have the situation of, some other being or life. This is not unnatural. Envy, jealousy and anxiety are not even unnatural, but they can be harmful, more often than not. If raised in a chaotic, neglectful or abusive environment, proper learning can be disabled, and these potential attributes can be cultivated to grow, while true narcissism raises its ugly head. It is easy to see how the extrapolation of narcissism, from existential bias, can lead to exaggerations or perversions, such as a "need" t possess, control, and even supplant others. These limbic or reptilian desires are what civilization grew up to DISCOURAGE. They are backwards and primal.

So, the feeling of "needing" to supplant the situation, or lives, of others - usually (when) vulnerable targets - is a perversion, but derived originally from the existential bias - just as is a predator's need to eat prey based on a jungle assumption that it has a right to do so. In civilisation, we don't need this crap. But, errant capitalism, and communism, do encourage these bad qualities, in waves of history, leading to waves of genocide, repeating over and over again.

My famous old example of consumptive narcissism, which leads to possession and supplantation in reality:

Two Islamic pirates, sitting on the desert shore. They see a foreign ship on the horizon. The ship is supposedly safe on International Waters. However, the two guys on the shore just assume that since thy can SEE it, then it is invading their territory. In their inflated and errant heads, this therefore justifies the two gathering the usual party, boating out to the merchant ship, and attack it. And loot it, or even bring it back to their communal den and, in one way or another, basically eat it.

This is an example of how the narcissistic tendency, a marriage of mistake and hubris, assumes that their ego reigns over other beings, even strangers. Or, the great womb from which they never properly detached still dominates, for their sake, and still applies to, everything else out there. If they SEE something, then they also "own" that thing.

We see this presumption going on everywhere. Neighbours mowing into you lawn without regard to property lines. Religions starting wars to take or "reclaim historically 'owned'" territory. Big Brothers almost sitting on top of some envied sibling, talking louder, trying to steal attention and credit, from some family gathering. Same sort of sibling, hiding YOUR picture on the mantle-piece and replacing it with THEIRS. And so on.

It's an anti-legal, simplistic way of seeing reality. Based on illogical thinking, gained via childhood Paradoxical Learning or neglect or trauma. It's a big bag of mistakes. Even of stupidity. Which can cause a feeling of shame or insecurity. So, what do these ego-maniacs DO with their big bags of shame and mistakes. They foist them away, ahoy! They project them onto their targets, and see that as proof that it is the target who is wrong, and, "just asking for it!"

But, it all does proceed from the original, natural existential bias. (And existential envy). But, it has been diverted - from good towards evil. Narcissism is born of jealousy + hubris, pretty much.

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. It can be, where mores and games keep apish people in line. But, taken too far, imitation can amount to the sincerest form of buggery. Envious people can go overboard, and dress like their target, steal away their friends, take their job, even connive to take their homes, and so forth, as you see in many movies, (Brittany Murphy in "Clueless").

Imitation can, in fact, be used as a weapon. Take the buggars upstairs to me. They have mocked me from behind flooring. They have altered their daily schedule to mirror mine. They have micro-stalked me when I walked around, returning my mouselike sounds with giant, noisy retaliations. And the latter is a sign of the Big cognitive Mistakes going on in their narcissistic heads. They bottleneck their victims so the result is a game of petty tit-for-tat, while Rome burns.

Well, an interesting thing is that, once their delusional heads assure they have achieved "victory", the next thing you know, they are out in society, showing off imitations of their deposed/supplanted victim - often good pretenses - good behaviours! This is one, and possibly the only success, of saintly martyrs. For all the trouble it cost them, they sometimes eave a world where many bastard narcissists are now walking around, pretending to be saints. And, I always found this very interesting! Prey turns into prayer.

But, the real object of such bastards it basically to parade around like Jeffrey Dahmer, in the skins of his murdered victims. Supplantation.

The most common, and telling, object of supplantation, is LAND, or property. This is usually the ultimate aim. To take property and pretend it is one's own. Perhaps with a nice little graveyard tucked away in some corner.

And, of course, the present incursion of millions of illegal immigrants into the U.S.A., and most European countries, has exactly this in mind. Dumping foreign migrants into desired territory, softening up the indigenous population, has been used as an important tactile of warfare throughout history. But, we are in an historical cycle where Americans are averse to acknowledging any threat.

"There is NO EVIDENCE!"

And, where does this blindness come from? A hunger for safety. Muddled thinking. An obsession to hold on to the past.

Interestingly, wanting to hold on to the past is often fundamental to narcissism, and it's possession/supplantation mechanics, as well!

There are several subordinate reasons why some humans want to, or actively seek to, supplant the objects of their hate or jealousy. And some of these are what we'll look at, now...

The Coward Ape: One thing is, human beings are also apes, in the literal sense. Apes like to copy other apes, in vocalisations, in habits. in methods approaching tool use. Imitation makes apes more amenable to an existence within social groups. Gorillas usually have very small, (or sometimes no), social groupings. And are generally very peaceful plant-eaters, up there in the mountains. Sometimes imitating bird calls.

Chimpanzees, bonobos and baboons all have larger social groupings. Some have strict authority or dominance hierarchies, which help hold their otherwise too-exploratory or intrusive tendencies in check. This is usually accomplished through somewhat rugged internal skirmishes. However, as we know, bonobos like to use sex, instead. And, humans have both streaks in them.

The larger the social groupings, of these intelligent, imitative animals, then the greater the chance of disruptions to the social order. Somehow, apes do manage to communicate with each other, (and can be taught some degree of human language). And, sometimes the very powerful chimpanzees can communicate seemingly without language, and all of the sudden the males go out to some different tribe in the woods, and then attack, kill and possibly snack on one of the male members of that tribe. Human beings are said, however, to be the only ape, or species, to organise wide-scale wars.

With humans, the, "naked ape," things are different, and sometimes too weird for me to stand. Depending on group size, and a whole number of other factors, the social behaviour of humans is quite various. As we see in history: Sometimes there are waves of exploration and discovery, and sometimes there are waves of suspicion and even mass psychosis. But, whatever humans are up to, they are generally up to it in cowardly ways. Why? Humans are frail little things, who band together not meaning to wage war, but to grow crops, build cities, invent machines, discover continents. Everyone's got everyone else's back, most of the time.

Cowardice is an advantage to humans, because their brains are so big, meant for language, manipulating tools and perceiving patterns and novelty, they really don;t have much gumption to take risks by being aggressive - most of the time. So, the majority of humans is generally live and let live, and avoidant of threats or aggressive impulses. Instead of acting these out in reality, they often just play them out in games, where no one gets seriously hurt. Because, it is agree, minds tend to be terrible things to waste.

So, when it comes to the natural inclinations to possess or to supplant, (which is strong in them, since they also inherit these from the original existential bias), they generally attempt to do so through games, money, law, "moral" justifications, politics, and the like. All the things our brains got good at, alongside math and cooking skills. They attack animals in packs. Unfairly using implements like spears, etc. Or drones. But, sometimes, the satisfaction or efficacy of these sometimes symbolic endeavours just gets too much, and humans may then amass into giant armies. Assuming that statistics might save them, selectively.

So, what we have are very smart, ergo very cowardly, apes, still imitating each other, and trying to gain special attentions, and dreaming of pissing on each others' graves, and what this leaves us is a lot of simmering jealousy.

Covert Sadism and Jealousy: An offshoot of this set-up is some relative inclination towards covert sadism, on the part of some groups or individuals and, to some degree, a majority of population. The desire to see someone else harmed, i.e., schadenfreude (/Weltschmerz). Which is also related to basking in glory at the expense of others. It's just some kind of thrill of being too full of hubris, which the ease of civilisation easilly affords or even encourages, (as when crowds once flocked to see Christians mauled and torn apart my lions, and so forth).

Covert sadism is not equally distributed. Some have a lot of it, some very little. It is usually associated with some degree of narcissism. Basing identity on a perceived need to control others. Well, this cannot be kept up long, in an orderly society. But, in societies in distress, the narcissists get the ball and never give it up. And these narcissists tend to gain control or power at a geometric rate, since most other people are still in live-and-let-live mode, yet are also cowards, happy to have authorities reassure them with promises, and lead them around by their noses. So, they think its nice when others symbolically share their pie with them, even though it may be inflationary, fiat pie. And, happy to get their work done, get their paychecks, and drink their anesthetic beer. Made from from the same grain as their daily bread.

ULTIMATE AIM: The taking AND SUPPLANTATION of land and/or life..

Man, the Opportunist: However, there is a characteristic, within the cowardly ape, where individuals experience so much shame, boredom or dissatisfaction, that they are inspired to run off and find something special on their own. Something unique to them, bringing extra praise or credit or money, which they feel is otherwise lacking in imperfect societies. Often, they are in envy of the elites, and they just want to imitate the, in the fame department, or what have you.

This is actually a fundamental part of our nature: To explore, seek out novelty, try new things, travel to new continents, and so forth. Sometimes, the urge is amplified by some perceived need to outdo siblings, or to replace them, as far as power in the family go. And then there are the, "proxy siblings," and, "proxy parents," they project onto other members in society, sometimes onto truly complete strangers. So, their forms of revenge or symbolic competition amount to a selfish despite to get more praise or such, from the wider society, if not solely from the elites. And this can turn into a desire to supplant the fame of others.

In any event, where there is some - any - weird, perceived opportunity out there, somewhere - anywhere - then some human is going to go after it. It's a law, especially under capitalism, mimicking the so-called rule, "Nature abhors a vacuum." Even fools running around in circles, competing with no real person, are seeking out some imaginary, "opportunity." It's a kind of madness in us, anyway. It comes with the, "Big Brain package." The bigger the brain, the more some things can go loop-de-loop.

ULTIMATE AIM: The taking AND SUPPLANTATION of land and/or life..

Capitalist Expansion: We could also speak of Marxist Expansion, although communism-turned-statism, and people on the left in general, tend to traffic in human beings rather than money or territory. They go straight to the bone, and consequently killed hundreds of millions of people, in this and the last century. The psychology is oriented towards in-group power, and out-group blame and violence. The narcissism is more based on muddled thinking and mistakes, and projection, than the slower, more avaricious psychology of capitalist expansionists. Pretty easy to figure out. But, not exactly unrelated to what we are discussing here.

As we all know, capitalism grows by creating wealth and jobs out of labour, invention and industry. Ahead of the curve, capitalism can offer opportunists seemingly endless opportunities. During this time, there is little need for cheating, subversion or aggression. It's all one big, open-ended game, basically. A good time to be had by all - (seemingly). Plenty of room for amateurs to move to the front of the curves. Opportunity is very rich, due to the exponentially positive natures of money, investment, and predictability.

But, when there is a diminishing of relatively cheap resources, labour, credit, then the screws tighten. On the one hand, lower classes get squeezed by inflation, fees, taxes, diminishing opportunities. On the other hand, upper classes must deal with falling values in property, but rising values in highly desired properties. This stage is usually associated with an over-printing of paper currency, a loosening of credit and taxes for the elites, and just plain general corruption, especially by the banks, who cannot keep growing without growing corrupt.

More and more, destruction becomes a profit motive. For example, the war machine, which serves no good, productive end, consumes more and more of the economy - just as does bureaucratic government. And, the GNP, upon which many productivity and investment returns are dependent, is more and more inclusive of destructive industries, such as waste or pollution management. And, corruption and crime are destructive endeavours themselves, as are the peddling off of influence and politicians.

So, for opportunists to, "get ahead of the curve," generally turns into eat-or-get-eaten, full of graft, envy and greed.

Simultaneously, ponsi schemes and lotteries proliferate, the end result being crashes in wealth a great numbers of people.

Now, the spectre becomes one of ever-diminishing resources and opportunities, so capitalism starts running on fuels of fear rather than of hope. This is precisely the environment which encourages not only the development of narcissism in some younger people, but also the general rise of narcissists to power. That is to say, all the elements of narcissism go into play for the economy or nation: muddled thinking, fear, blame, greed, hubris, etc. Whereas egos and expectations, sheltered from reality, grew during the hay days, they now grow during the days of fire and hunger. And, so, in general, people want things they cannot afford. And they want things that belong to other people. They want other people's land, fame, situations, and so forth.

So, elite groups, forming a parallel psychology, also want to get ahead of the curves, and they usurp trends and promises of the general populations, institutions and groups. They seek to usurp POWER. And, to get power, in such an environment, they believe they must CONTROL LOTS OF PEOPLE. And, when all else fails, TAKE THE NATIONS TO WAR. And GENOCIDE.

A fine example of clear thinking, eh?

ULTIMATE AIM: The taking AND SUPPLANTATION of land and/or life..

To conclude: Possession and SUPPLANTATION are born from initially natural and good laws or dynamics, in physics. Just as is consciousness. But, these can turn destructive, or evil, as well. Just as Lucifer and his devil angels were supposedly born from God. And the two forces have been at each others throats since the beginning of time, as we shall see in upcoming posts, dear readers.

However, it is vanity, or hubris, which makes evil think that it can fully conquer good, its parent. No, good become evil is something manifest in forward moving TIME. Good can vanquish evil.

But evil, like entropy, cannot defy TIME, and vanquish good. Not for long.

If that's any consolation.

In these crying times.

The will to live is greater than the power of death, ultimately.

And I know this from experience.

This journal entry is a sneaky lead-up to a coming entry on the Mystery of Golbeki Tepe, of all things.

++, s- 'possession' (2023-24 series), s- 'profile of a psychopath' (2021-2024), narcissism - narcissists/ psychopaths

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