THE THIEVING OF THE WILL - (A thumbnail theme-post) - UPDATED!

May 08, 2024 08:47

Please GO HERE for the rest of the series.

If you search back in my LJ, you will find me talking about how (errant) capitalism, long dependent on the will and choices of the people, has been veering in the direction of controlling people completely instead. Companies have been competing to market their wares, but have also been, more and more, spending money on trying to influence people to buy certain products, as well as on trying to predict what and how people will spend. Taken to ultimate extreme, this becomes AI, predicting what it thinks we need or want, and then forcing us to accept what it says is right for us. Little did I know how stark the scenario would become, as we losing the backing of the rights to choice as guaranteed in the constitution, which the present One-Party, under the auspices of China, has been shredding. Which you can see in examples of irrational and extreme lawfare against Trump.

One reason why companies are moving from catering to your will/s, to determining what you must have or do, has been that large, monopolistic corporations have collected into collusions, where their advertisings and competitions have been becoming very similar and associated with each other. The CEOs have developed an incestuous relationship, within and between these monolyths. They collude to fix prices, to limit choices, and such. But - they also get more and more money from the government and other top-down sources, like WEF and Marxist billionaires - meaning they really don't need your will or choice as much, anymore.

Then, with the banks, they add fees and conditions and so on, only adding to you becoming a slave, ultimately of the banks, because the gross squeeze on the economy has been forcing you to be indentured via credit card and mortgage.

So - there is all that.

But, then there is the obsession coming from the corporatist globalist left, to completely control, objectify, and even destroy people. Even rank and file leftists have switched from valuing certain things, like free speech or the environment, to trafficking soley in power - deliberately destroying those very values they once claimed to hold high in value, but now use as sensational proof that, "Look at how powerful I am: I can mow over the environment you love so much... I can imprison you without cause which you thought had been disallowed by campaigns by the ACLU... I can abuse your body by slipping poisons right under the skin, so we can we away with you, and no longer concern ourselves to feeding you.... and we can keep all the land or wealth that you once held or held dominion over!"

They have become the demonic opposite of everything they once promised themselves to be. Which is part of how fascism rises. The other reason, of course, is that these people are getting lots of easy, top-down money from anti-American agents who simply want to DESTROY what they can destroy. Easy money, including from school grants and loans. So, never really having worked a day in their lives, they assume they are authorities on everything, and if you seem to differ from anything you say, they attack you - to the point where attacking you becomes their main end. Rationalising any and all attacks, based on a world without common rights, without reason, without justice.

The thieving away of the will is an extremely important topic, relevant to so many disciplines, and certainly relevant to our happiness and existence here on earth. If you replace - supplant - will with control, as occurs in the programming of AI, then you are doomed to get feedback which may seem completely and desperately demonic. Unwilled beings trying to reduce all others to their spiritless, anti-moral dimension, wher the only emtion left is agony. This is what is happening.

And you can even see it in how Management, here, is completely blind to all my evidence, but says only cameras from China can prove anything in court, and so I really don;t count as a factor - as an actual human being. These are sad, hollow people who have been well trained by the whole creeping process of fascism and market and media manipulations, such that they have just thrown open the door for this country to be invaded by agents and countries who are only interested in rape, possession, dehumanisation and genocide.

Long ago, I wrote that we were sending ourselves back in the direction of real slavery. I had no idea how right I was, or how swiftly this would unfold. Thank goodness I was one of the select crowd who took seriously such warnings as, "1984," and so on.

This post is possibly just a mini version of some future theme post, which would be included under the series, "Possession." Maybe I'll include this thumbnail in that series anyway.

The supplantation of WILL - part one, or something....

Why don;t we pull out of this mess? Because we assume values apply equally, across the spectrum - across money spent - from common man to corporate monsters. We assume something they do not assume for us - that psychopaths deserve the same benefits of the doubt as we do....

Fish is burning....

PS - Definition of fascism:
- Rule by force
- Corporate + state mergence.
Note how corporations have been collecting every bit of info on you, because they want to attenuate their marketing, to your disappearing will. Then the states comes in, buys that info, as a means of controlling you, and its constitutional, because it wasn't the state who spied on you, it was the corporations. This is a big part of the collusion that comprises fascism. Similarly, Pfizer exists to make a big profit off your supposed will to buy their products, don't make me laugh. But, Pfizer is also a front for China, and the DOD, as have been Moderna, Google, Ecohealth Alliance, Microsoft, etc. We are in a fucked up MESS.

Government military has determined that since an enemy might use bioweapons subcutaneously, then this expands the official field of military operations, meaning your body is now not yours - it has been taken over by the military, and they MUST implant you with bioweapons, even if - especially if - it kills you. So, funded freely by our tax dollars, it is now out to exterminate us. And this fact must be HIDDEN from us, because military protocol requires never to reveal secrets to the enemy.

AND - now that your DNA has been changed by these weapons, many in WEF/Big Pharma consider you no longer to be, genetically, a human being anymore. Therefore, you have no more official rights and may even be said to be their patented property. Some may argue this in court and possibly win. This is how they change laws, and/or seek out technicalities in present laws, or abuse present laws, to insist that you have no rights or will, any greater than any other species, but their rights and will are all that matter. Somehow.

Do you see how this has become a full-on war against CHRISTIANITY ITSELF?! One should realise what a grave situation this is, and fight alongside Christians against this onslaught, because, for all intents and purposes, they have declared themselves to be demonic, and to be real. So, believe this: POSSESSION IS NOT JUST A GAME, IT IS VERY REAL. IT IS A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH. And they have the AI!


free will/ choice /freedom to choose, fate - and see free will ..., s- 'possession' (2023-24 series), will - nature of will, demonic possession

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