Brain twister / Plight of the slighted man.

May 24, 2024 15:48

I really anticipated getting a LOT done today, a day in which I am staying home again to nurse my myalgia, etc. I stretch my right arm up to scratch my eyebrow and all the back of the arm is filled with intense pain, I cannot complete the movement. What a bad robot I'd make. But, besides that, I suddenly got a deep and disabling central headache. Putting me out of service for the prime hours of the day. At least I am not clogging up your friends page with celebrity bullcrap.

Another bizarre weirdness coming from a female LJ user, on the left. She apparently banned me because I mentioned Donald Trump. I wasn't even an LJ friend. But, I subscribed because I noticed that she was developing similar symptoms to mine, and I knew I could help her a bit, but I also saw that she had the whole trust issue thing going on. And a simplistic view of politics. But, I really cared, but was taking my time. Meanwhile, apparently, the bioweapon bug progressed enough in her brain that she attacked me, a stranger, for no reason, when she could have set up guards in her LJ to deal with security. Not banned a subscriber who wasn't doing anything!

Another one bites the bug. The minute you start caring about these females, they start attacking you, dropping you, spreading lies and rumours. (Especially when they find out you didn't vote for Hillary Clinton). Like the one who went around telling people I was a pedophile, and, "he said he was going to break my fingers!" Completely weirdness. Or, they get contacted by my sister, who trolls my friend's page, and spreads lies and rumours to friends she can access - pretty much the same thing - pretty much the same insanity bug.

What do these females have in common? Very naive leftist. Not connected to a community. Sometimes having a chronic illness. Living in a fantasy world. Were "vaccinated." I honestly, honestly feel so sorry for them. But not if they proceed to destroy my life.

Listen, when Clinton says, "Donald Trump wants to be a dictator!" Who eats that shit up? It is projection. They are corrupt beyond words. And there is infinite proof out there. And how does anyone KNOW what Trump WANTS? Is that based on any facts? No. Or, when Clinton says, "Trump is guilty because he was he was indicted 92 times!" Do you even know what she is saying? The Dems have been throwing indictment after indictment at Trump. An indictment is nothing more than an accusation. Accusations prove nothing. Are we in the dark ages again? But, Dems keep projecting like this, because they know they are guilty, and they know if they lose, Trump will be having them arrested for their ACTUAL CRIMES.

"Well, I believe Trump (no proof) is just as corrupt as Biden (proved) - Soooo I guess I'll just vote for the one who is not threatening to take away my sacred right to choose!" Thus eating up the vacuous scare tactics of your controllers. So, these females just keep believing Trump is evil, that he colluded with Russia, rather than actually learn the truth about anything.

It is very sad and discouraging to me, that you consider communicating with these people, who otherwise appear to be grown-ups, and they just look askew, acting suspicious and ready to react, to pounce. Should you merely mention the Great Dictator, Donald Trump. Imagine, basing your entire social sphere on something as fatuous as this. Again, I find it so sad. These girls are going to be dropping dead in a few years, and they never learned about real intimacy, or about critical thinking, or about how they could have dealt with the effects of their injuries, and so extended their lives. Do they choose to live their lonely lives? Do they choose to be ill? Do they choose to hand themselves over to Satan, becoming agents of the concerted collapse of civilization?

Who voted in the TSA and it's buggery, because of fear of terrorists? Not men. Not real men. Who supported the Patriot Act, or the 9 trillion expense of killing a million Iraqis, because of some CIA agent hiding in a cave in Afghanistan? It wasn't sane, grounded people. Who invited the clot shots to take away our rights, based on their fears, cultured by a conspiracy of corruption? Again, not real men. And who has been insistent on preserving the insidious, corrosive status quo, where millions of illegal potential combatants coming through the borders get free passage and free money - while we are stuck, this Memorial Day, in lines, waiting to be patted down, because of an inside job manufactured in 2001? No fearless men I know. Sheeple.

Just eat up the fear-provoking propaganda, and learn to hate any white male, as if you KNEW what he was up to, or what he WANTS, or that he must be AGGRESSIVE, and GUILTY of SOMETHING. Look at this propaganda... Donald Trump is depicted as being extremely right wing AUTHORITARIAN, just because that what Hillary says he is. It has nothing to do with what is true. It maybe have something to do with how corrupt money is spent. Is Biden on this graph? I don't see Hillary. I could have missed them.

She has an LJ friend who is probably more libertarian-right-wing than me, but since he lives in another country, he doesn't mention Trump, and so she's fine with him. He writes about females falsely accusing men of rape, but that's just fine with her.

Again, I am so sorry for these people. I spend whatever time and energy I have trying to allow people the chance to find out the facts about what is happening to our planet - and to them. I wish I could carry them as a cross, too, but I am not some kind of Uberman. I just know that I keep getting attacked by people who tend to be narcissists and it is so persistent that it feels like some kind of war between Good and Evil I am caught in - like someone else's revolving door. And all I wanted was a breath of fresh air.
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