New York, New York: What'ya Gonna Do?

Mar 18, 2024 17:11


CDC Adds COVID-19 Vaccine to Immunization Schedule for Children, RFK Says this Will Give Immunity to Vax Manufacturers

Uncensored: LUCIFERASE to go Into the FOREHEAD or RIGHT HAND! Injected People Emit EMF - Zeee Media

COVID-19 Masks Are a Crime Against Humanity and Child Abuse

The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated - LewRockwell

Honest Doctor’s License Revoked: Pediatrician PUNISHED For Linking Child Vaccines To Adult Diseases

Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI

Social Credit Brazilian Style: All UBI Recipients…

NEW LAWSUIT for NYC Educators Fired for Declining Covid Shot

Australian Health Authorities Call For More COVID Boosters… But The Public Says No - Summit News

SHOCKING: GLOBALISTS TO ROUND UP UNVAXXED? - 'WHO' Reveals New Tracking System Targeting Unvaxxed!

FAA - Steve Kirsch: ‘If They Think They Can Get Away With This… They’re Badly Mistaken!”

Unvaccinated children as community parasites in National Qualitative Study from Turkey - PMC

No Shot No Food? Grocery Store Chain App Brings Concern


The United Nations concentration camps program in America, "Coup d'État and war preparations in America", book 1, Presse libre nord-américaine, 1994. - Qwant Search

Covid-19 portal to global tyranny and enforced starvation | The Wall Will Fall

Brazilians Are Now Being Rounded Up, Forced Injected And Even Killed For Peacefully Protesting

WHO: Anti-Vaxxers Are TERRORISTS! - Governments Want You To REPORT "Conspiracy Theorists" To Police!

Anti-Lockdown COVID 'Conspiracy Theorists' Being Targeted by Australian Law Enforcement


Perhaps they never will..

bb - big brother / legislation, cities - nyc - brooklyn new york, brand - russell, cities - nyc - new york city new york, zeee - maria zeee

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