Hey, Chicago! What'ya gonna do tomorrow?

Mar 18, 2024 15:30

"The price of oil is going up because the oil companies are bad!" - Joe Biden - ("It's not because I've been closing down oil pipelines from Europe to the Dakotas").

"Inflation might be rising a little - but this is because the bad corporations are using 'shrink-flation!" - Joe Biden - ("It's not because I've been dumping trillions of worthless paper money into the economy").

"People are running out of infant formula and toilet paper because there was one fire, and the companies are bad" - Joe Biden - ("It isn't because of the COVID lockdowns and breakdown of supply chains").

"Many police and others are getting injured and are dying in 'mostly peaceful' riots being funded by George Soros because the POLICE ARE BAD!" - Joe Biden - ("It isn't because this was ALL PART OF THE PLAN!")

"An innocent person was shot dead and hundreds more were sent into solitary cofinment because MAGA and Trump are BAD, BAD, BAD!" - Joe Biden - ("It wasn't because my DOJ and FBI turned the January 6 gathering into a set up and a TRAP!")

"We are at war and losing in Ukraine and Europe is falling apart BECAUSE RUSSIA IS BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - Joe Biden - ("It isn't because we corrupted the CIA and NATO into starting a war to exhaust the WEST and launder our corrupt money").

"The price of meat is going up because the meat companies are bad..."... etc...

When are we going to hear this?...

"Millions of people are dying suddenly because of the bioweapons, and because BIG PHARMA is bad!"

"Food plants and neighbourhoods are burning down BECAUSE OF LASER WEAPONS in space, and CHINA IS BAD!"

"Millions are bringing in fentanyl, screw worms, measles, COVID, terrorists and spies in through the southern border so they can vote Democrat, exhaust the welfare systems and start a civil war BECAUSE I, and THE DNC, and the WEF are TOTALLY EVIL!"

Rats, voting for Rats... FBI Agent: "Is this a dream?! Am I dreaming?!"

biden - fuck joe biden

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