Have a Mind.

Jan 18, 2024 23:25

By love they will quench the fire of hate,
by wisdom the fire of delusion.
Those supreme ones extinguish delusion
with wisdom that breaks through to truth.

Itivuttaka 3.93
Difficult to detect and very subtle,
the mind seizes whatever it wants;
so let a wise one guard one's mind,
for a guarded mind brings happiness.

Dhammapada 3.36
Live without covetous greed,
fill your mind with benevolence.
Be mindful and one-pointed,
inwardly stable and concentrated.

Aṅguttara Nikāya 4.29
Irrigators direct the water,
Fletchers fashion the shaft,
Carpenters bend the wood,
The wise control themselves.

Dhammapada 6.80
One who is virtuous and wise
shines forth like a blazing fire;
like a bee collecting nectar
one acquires wealth by harming none.

Dīgha Nikāya 3.265
Mind precedes all things;
mind is their chief, mind is their maker.
If one speaks or does a deed
with a mind that is pure within,
happiness then follows along
like a never departing shadow.

Dhammapada 1.2

happy dance, mindfulness and presence, quotes, religion - buddhism, wisdom

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