Jan 03, 2024 09:37

walnuts are one of the healthiest things. Always loved them, especially this time of year. (I am actually a squirrel, because I also sleep in a lot)...

Caution: Paranormal, Science and Politics ahead!!! )

parascientific - crop circles, food - walnuts, food - nuts

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btripp January 3 2024, 23:16:49 UTC

1. Have you tried Amazon for the sunflower seeds? I used to get 5lb bags of pumpkin seeds from them, and they could be quite reasonable. I think the cheapest one I saw was about $4/lb ... which seems high if you're getting walnuts for that.

2. Crop circles weird me out. Almost every other type of metaphysical phenomena I have a model for. Having rejected out of hand the "farm guys with a board" theorem, I don't have something plausible to slot in there. I would accept that these were human-made, but not in the time frame (overnight) they happen ... the simplest circles, perhaps, but these massive glyphs with complex mathematical relationships, no. I've seen a video of small balls of light whipping around a field, but that just takes the mystery one level removed. Space Aliens with a grain-flattening ray is mighty hard to swallow ... raising more questions than it answers. I'm almost ready to (given the neighborhood where much of these appear) chalk it up to the "wee people" who have figured out this is a fun way to mess with the humans.


madman101 January 4 2024, 04:56:06 UTC
1 - Will never buy from Amazon. Walmart is already a big compromise. If I were well, I would start up local-store consortia with one online site from which people could order, and get deliveries. Amazonnaws is 666.

2 - I have had pretty much the same thoughts re: crop circles. So, then you have to bring in contextual info, like - wtf are UFOs? Etc. I know that several have been man made, like by that Irish photographer/land-artist, NVDEA - and probably that one preceding the TV series or movie, not sure.

But the ones made overnight? How do we know that the farmer's, or planted "observers", were not paid to say this? How do we know that those fast videos were not fabricated? And maybe those orbs were store grocery bags.

But, taking the hypothesis that some could have been made by ETs... or even by AI elites...

A beam would not be necessary. What is needed is something like finely attenuated geolocation, through some fold in space-time. Then you send out the orbs (foo-fighters) which, by triangulation, direct some kind of microwave-gathering energy field onto the crops. This alters the structures of some cells at some specified height, and also involves some kind of radiation, (and metals, possibly biproducts, possibly not).

You recall the foo-fighters in the Malaysian flight video? This is support, showing how they could apparently transport energy through folds in space/time. Conversely, "foo-fighters" seen with crop circles, etc., are support that the Malaysian flight video was not manufactured propaganda. But there is also support that it was. They also occur close to important energy lay-lines.

The above are hypotheses. Little people is also a contender, but some aliens are also little, in theory. Crop circles may have been around for a long while. But there is no doubt we are headed for crises, so it makes sense there should be more of them now.

The messages in crop circles are quite compelling and real. But, are these from elites, fucking with us, or from some sort of superintelligent beings who actually care? I don't see why the latter needs to be impossible.


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