Jan 03, 2024 09:37

walnuts are one of the healthiest things. Always loved them, especially this time of year. (I am actually a squirrel, because I also sleep in a lot)...

For many years, my primary, go-to food has been sunflower seeds, which cause very little trouble to CFS, but provide nutrients, reduce hunger pangs, and help raise brain BP, (with their salt). But, here, you cannot find them - at all. Since it would be nuts to remain $ubscribed to Walmart, but also pay Instacart, with extra fees, to deliver good sunflower seeds from an out-of-town Aldi's, I figure I'll be replacing sunflower seeds, in my diet, with the more expensive walnuts, which I can get for under $4.00/lb here. (Amazingly, same price for pecans!!) (At the new supermarket - not Walmarts).

When I lived at the original, heritage house in Ye Olde City - with my mother and a dog - I planted a pecan tree for her, and various other food trees. In fact, that's the same thing the original owner did, planting a wonderful cherry tree, several small fruit trees, and berry bushes). But my scheme was to plant not just human survival trees, but trees and plants which could service birds, and other wildlife, such as a Hawthorn tree. We already had a huge black walnut tree, so I wanted also to plant a walnut tree. Never got to do that, as other felled tree-damage require whatever attention and energy I could spare.

And my siblings stupidly adhered to the agenda of my jealous NPD sister to move me away from any trace of my mother and my family. They just abandoned that great old house - in which I had done some pretty nice work - and all I got was this low NK T-cell count. And, last I heard, that house was going to be bulldozed. There were well-meaning busybodies in the neighbourhood organisation who took the Detroit view that you had to destroy a neighbourhood in order to save it. Everything was upside down, even then.

So, I was munching on walnuts, this morning, and I recalled the crop circle in Wiltshire, which surrounded a walnut tree, plus COVID information. Someone's analysis speculated that the crop circle was saying that the pandemic would be over after Year 2 - and that ingredients in Walnuts could help protect against COVID. For me, it's too late - I already got COVID - but maybe they'll help. Couldn't hurt! Walnuts are great for the brain, heart, etc., even beyond these magical, anti-COVID ingredients.

Here is my 2022 anti_viral post, featuring a video on that, and more!

And here's, "the first COVID crop circle" - * click! *

Anyway, the walnut circle got me ta thinkun. Again. There were probably more, hexagonal G.O. crop circles, etc. Were these messages just more taunts and tricks from the elites, with their advanced, "alien", technologies? Just like the several metal monoliths they plopped down in various locations, conveying that the time had come for a New Age for Man, i.e., AI robots?

Or were they real admonishments from actual extra-terrestrials, (a term which includes time/space travelers)? Were they serious warnings and guides to what was happening, and what what possibly going to happen, to our planet? Imprinting them on crops could be a warning that the food supply would be wiped out - something the WEF et al conspiracy has already been working on. It would take very little genetic work to wipe out wheat, yellow corn, potato and apple mono-cultures. Look at what has happened to the bees.

I believe it is scientifically within the range of possibility that some far-distant species could monitor us - even our psychic signals - and also, if not travel here, itself, (yet?), at least send messages via special antennae, into our living crops, possibly employing the geometric dynamics of the fourth phase of water.

So, if it is hypothetically possible, then one must consider that someone has been tugging at our capes, urging us to pay more attention, and save the planet from the coming catastrophes. Or - maybe not. Or, maybe only some crop circles are crafted by extraterrestrials, and others by elites, pranksters and photoshoppers. I am sure many of us shall die before we ever get some lead in these mysteries. Unless someone weird shows up in 2030.

It is said that there have been many different aliens visitting this planet - some good, some bad. Maybe. Same might be supposed not just for visits, but for communication/attempts.

It has also been said that Bill Gates has been behind a lot of it. Here's a crop circle which the unreliable, "Snopes," says is a photo-shop...

Looks like much of the walnut circle might have been scrubbed from search engines, (google). Maybe that's because Bill Gates has switched 180 degrees from spending money on advocacy of PLANTING trees for the environment, to BULLDOZING trees for the environment. So, he might not like the tree. But he sure do like disease. I also think he probably wouldn't like this story...

To prevent the next pandemic, we might need to cut down fewer trees

I have thought about why LEFTISTS - (not liberals) - have switched, in this way, from good issue solutions to their very opposites, now. Instead of planting trees, trees must be bulldozed. Instead of advancing peace and love, they now advance war and racism. Instead of protecting the poor and disabled they now lord over and prey upon them, actually trying to kill them... And so on. Completely Bizarro...

And my answer was, at least partially, this: It's a logical consequence of their superstitious trafficking not in rationality, or money, but in people, egos, emotions - and power politics - instead... Eventually, as competition intensifies, this irrationality worsens, until everything is turned inside out. Upside down. Bizarro.

It's a product of the Circular Firing Squad effect. They are so accustomed to using certain issues to virtue signal themselves as being superior to others, they resort to these issues, but more and more to their opposites, as they try to employ more and more shock, force and power. See it, too?

But they don't realise that not everyone is drowning in these same issues, as they have been. And so these narcissistic, manipulative, contradictive tactics don't work against most people outside of their overall GROUP. And so most people see their senseless irrationality, or, idiocy. And all the harm their jealous infatuations are doing other people, plants and animals.

But they can't see it. They become completely consumed by the will to power, and cannot see that their attempts to bulldoze other people's feelings have very little real effect.

For example: This scheme where they are now attempting to divide-and-conquer the USA populace, by summoning, or reconfiguring, the old Civil War again... Expecting everyone to hate all conservatives, who they are now trying to call, "Confederates," and so on...

The general population knows that Republicans are not the "Confederates" which have been living in Democrat's heads, since Lyndon Johnson days. Instead, they directly KNOW that Republicans have been VERY MUCH OPPOSED to slavery - and to racism, for decades - and arguably for well over 100 years...

So, getting people to get outraged that Republicans are, "confederates," is kind of laughable.

Rather, it has always been the Democrat party which has been the main originator of racist movements and policies in the past. I won't even substantiate this fact - you can do some research, and maybe get surprised.

The Republican party originally formed in order to fight slavery, in the Civil war.

But since the Dems have, more and more demonically, convinced itself that all Republicans are horrible racists, (and so on) then this grand divide-and-conquer schemes of their will work just spectacularly, lol.

Again, they delude themselves. Democrats in denial. Always, ultimately resorting to their will to power, to the politics of power, and to force. "Communists," have routinely killed millions upon millions of people, and now they are trying to kill off the entire population of the planet with, possibly, the aid of very smart aliens?

Or at least of AI, which is a tad more rational than they.

Here's another crop circle, said to represent - a computer/video game???

But, you know what I think it might be?

A representation of TEN GREAT EXTINCTION EVENTS... Appropriately...

see tag for more crop circles - or SEE THIS...

Crop Circles

Crop Circles - Messages from Another World? : Waking Times

Scientist claims CROP CIRCLES are 'ALIEN messages from the future' | Ancient Code

Crop Circles - Messages from Another World? : Waking Times

Scientist claims CROP CIRCLES are 'ALIEN messages from the future' | Ancient Code

stonehenge/crop circles - sirius DNA alien communication


Watch Crop Circle Realities (2021) - Free Movies | Tubi

parascientific - crop circles, food - walnuts, food - nuts

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