SUICIDED! - Part T h r e e ! ! !

Dec 21, 2023 05:47

Here's my tag on the subject: great/odd/polit suicidings/ disappearances - (and here's a journal search)

To follow up on the 2023 posts, SUICIDED and SUICIDED, (recommended).

I recently wrote on Doctor Luc Montagnier, who both discovered HIV and warned against the dangers of the bioweapon injections, who may or may not have died of natural causes.  When I say, "suicided," this is often an umbrella term for people who seem to have been murdered surreptitiously, the murders possibly being made to look like suicides, (e.g., Epstein in his cell, by hanging), or not, (the Epstein/Clinton associate who was tied to a tree, shot in the head, and nevertheless judged to have committed suicide).

And, we know of the very strange deaths of JOAN RIVERS and ANNE HECHE.  Many of the publicised "suicidings" which have been transpiring and expiring in recent years have been related to Jeffrey Epstein, or to his Pedophile Island guest list and FLIGHT LIST, (some of which shall be released on January 1, 2024)

Jeffrey Epstein was more than a child sex trafficker, closely associated with Bill Gates.  Like Rom Emmanuel, he mainly worked for the ISRAELI MOSSAD, and other nefarious agencies, as a central pivot in the development of the scheme to destroy the West and depopulate the planet, with some of its other players being CIA/DOD front companies like Moderna, the FBI, DARPA, Pfizer, BlackRock, banks, the WEF, the WHO, China, Barack Obama and Anthony Fauci.  A vast "left wing" conspiracy, dealing in corrupt trafficking, bribery, coercion and murder.  The best source on Epstein corruption and this whole web of evil, check out the videos or books by Whitney Webb.

First came the illicit sex games, and then came the blackmail.  If people still refused to cooperate, then they were offed, made to look as if they had killed themselves.  Or die from a drug overdose.  And, some players simply got thrown under the bus for political convenience - people like Joe Biden and Sam Bankman-Fried.  If they target you, they do intend to completely destroy you, in one way or another.  (I have been a low-priority target at times, I believe, as have thousands of other people, but I'll do an update on that elsewhere).

But, years before the whole COVID/injections conspiracy rolled out, they were suiciding naturalists and microbiologists and sharp-shooters and potential presidential candidates (JFK, Jr.), by the hundred - as well as dumping e coli on your salads, and various other inroads into what has now become a huge and multi-front attack on the various infrastructure grids of the West - see Nordstream2, Palestine train derailment, or NY power company explosion.  Or Maui.  Or Canadian forest fires.  Etc.

After said train derailment, officials announced that there would be no health consequences from the the smoke and spillage from one of the most toxic chemicals on Earth.  And when Ohio kids started coming in with, "white lung disease", in recent months, they use that as proof that a new pandemic is spreading and so please put on a mask, stay indoors, and wait for our further controls.  So, they get you to accept that you are too stupid to figure these things out for yourselves, and to just abide along sheepishly, until they are marketting REAL SUICIDE to you, as is presently occurring in Canada.  Tens of thousands being euthanized in that one programme alone.

ANOTHER EPSTEIN VICTIM DEAD! - Mysterious Deaths Continue As Banks IMPLICATED In Conspiracy!

They set up wars and world wars not so much because they don't care who dies, but that they care very much that LOTS AND LOTS OF PEOPLE ACTUALLY DO DIE.  Remember all we have discussed regarding narcissists and psychopaths. Some people are simply evil, and cannot be stopped by therapy or loving Christian kindness. Now, Here are some more links for this series...

BREAKING: EPSTEIN CLIENT LIST TO GO PUBLIC? - 177 Names To Be Released! - Limited Hangout Or Legit?

Conservative Influencer Sentenced To Death By Google AI

Extraterrestrial Battle of 1979 - Forgotten History - YouTube - This guy - Schmidt? - died mysteriusly.

Wagner Group Leader Prigozhin Dies After Plane Shot Down Mid-Flight North of Moscow

GIULIANI: Burisma Whistleblower Has Died

Kristen Pfaff: The Mysterious Death of Hole's Ex-Bassist Rock N' Roll True Stories

Vaccine Whistleblower Brandy Vaughan Found Dead Inside Her Own Home as Police Open Investigation - Medical Kidnap

Brandy Vaughan dead - Anti-vaxxer activist who founded Learn the Risk is found dead by son, 9

MORE BIDEN CRIMES....................... BIDENS.............

Elon Musk Just Exposed All Barack Obama And Joe Biden's Corruption! In 2022 - YouTube

Klaus Schwab & Hunter Biden Connected To Ukraine BIO-LABS - Greg Reese

Biden's Secret Family Dealings: What’s Going On? - Ep 511 C.T.I. Andy Frisella

Watch IMMEDIATELY before they put me in jail! - YouTube

31:30 Federal Whistleblower Exposes How Biden Admin is Funding Child Trafficking The Alex Jones Show

The 'walls are closing in' on Joe Biden: Victor Davis Hanson - YouTube

'MENTALLY INCAPACITATED': Biden is unfit for office, 2024 candidate says - YouTube

Hunter Biden filmed himself smoking crack behind the wheel

picture of hunter biden doing crack - Qwant Search

WATCH: “Missing” Biden Whistleblower Releases Video Testimony About Corrupt Business Deals Between Hunter And China

New Supercut Putting Together Biden Crime Family Activity Goes Viral

Biden: 'God save the Queen, man' - YouTube

Twitter Publish

Psychological Reasons the Biden Regime is Trying to Force Doctors to Commit Murders?

heche - anne heche, epstein - jeffrey, biden - hunter/ biden/scandals, nwo / wef / great reset, clinton crimes / clinton body count, montagnier - dr luc montagnier, webb - whitney webb, pedophilia, biden - joe biden, great/odd/polit suicidings/ disappearanc

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