Not to my liking.

Nov 16, 2023 06:56

About 4 wakeys.  Each time, people upstairs react to my slightest move or sound.  Latest, I got up at 6:am to make my decaf mocha, and they followed me into kitchen above, so I got tired of this creepiness and turned my radio up to daytime level.  They get themselves into these waves of reactivity, which tend to snowball, until they finally have sex or it rains.  Anyway, I've got an inner-nut migraine this morning, which was not expected or wanted.  I could consider doing next step of van today, but really too windy for spray-painting.  After that, lots of COLD.

Received expected mail from IA HHS Medicaid when I got home yesterday, (after mailing more to them in anticipation on Tuesday).  And what does it say?  "We cannot continue because Illinois SSA says you still live in that state."  WTF?!  So, I have to do more phone-calling to correct this bureaucratic error.  Because I DID get my address changed with the SSA.  Got a guy who said, "I'm the only one doing address-changes in this state [Illinois] today!"  So, idk why this latest problem.  And idk what else this is affecting.  My DL??  My insurance?

This means more walking to library to copy and mail more stuff to various agencies and etc.  Because I have sent out all my copies already.  Gets expensive over time.  In more ways than one.

Curious about some SW radios that just popped up on Walmart site.  One (China) description of a radio included, "There is no pressure to use it!"  ha ha

woe is me, bureaucracy, my neighbours

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