Lie and let Lie?

Nov 03, 2023 11:11

I told you about Iowa Siesta time, and how it's kinda nice to be in a society where I can be allowed to get things done at my own pace, too. Or, can I?

Yesterday, Army Guy said he would be here at 10:am, to finish the flooring. It is now 11:am. Sometimes, people just get caught up in other activities/demands. But, this is the second time he said he would do something and he didn't deliver. So, some kind of trend here. He said he's a very live-and-let-live guy - so I wonder how he got through all that strict Army training? And I told him, I am also very live and let live - and you know I am. But, there are other people who DON'T live and let live, and they are coming at you, and want to eat your children. So. The least anyone could do is keep an appointment, fgs.

Because, I plan all around my illness, and then construct things I can or cannot do that day - or even days ahead. How are we supposed to do coffee if this is what I have to deal with - an Army Guy wigging out?

Not much can be done for a town where people don;t keep appointments. Seriuosly. The people have tacitly agreed that they don;t care - about constructing anything better. Like the proprietors of the meat burger place, who just assumes things are OK, since stragglers still come in and eat the bland burgers.

And, I was right: Expenses are so high here, because the college is here. College = money, so stores raise prices, and city raises property taxes, and social services leaves the county, and so does ground-level opportunity. And people just let things go. So, why would I waste time caring about such a place? The college is what generates all the interest there is, and there isn;t much vitality beyond that. It's pretty sad and boring. And yet we get a tornado siren on October 7?

Oh boy.

I have extreme limits on me. I find it extremely difficult to keep appointments. So, if people are just going to blow off appointments, here, then that is not something I can even begin to work with. At least the apartment does act like a normal business, not doing work on your apartment on the weekends! And the lead maintenance guy apparently is college-graduated.

I am theoretically due to work on van roof, today. Time is ticking away, starting to put me on hold. I cannot live that way. I have few minutes available to me already.

Dealing with core headache, low energy, acquired after having to talk to Army Guy all morning, yesterday - but, nobody is capable of understanding this. To them, I must become someone who is just not live-and-let-live enough for them. What is this, Mexico?

There is a fine line between someone who is live and let live and someone who just plain lies. I have been fighting for my life and energy ford decades, now, and get really sick of seeing irresponsible people acting like this. And, beyond the - the people who deem themselves your curators, needing to mess with yoou 24/7, keeping you from sleep, health. All because you said people with CFS need peace and quiet. Ignorant curs interpret this as me trying to tell them what to do. Not that them keeping me sick all day and night is them telling ME what to do, or anything. It's crazy all the way around. Tired.
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