All in America's Head.

Oct 31, 2023 22:51

Freaks upstairs went on flushing spree just after 9:pm, waking me up.  After a fairly quiet day - why?  And here is the answer.  People like this also have a lot of fear mixed into their imaginary warfaring.  Since there is guilt and awareness in their crimes and projections, inevitably they imagine the target to be an ever rising threat to them, even if he or she is involved with them in no way whatsoever.  After a weekend of severe attacks, they shut up - n a Monday.  Because that's when they feared I might complain to the landlord/management.  Nethers were also like this.  AND, they also held off on Halloween because they FEARED I might do something terror-ful to them, it being Halloween and all.  When all I want is to be away from such loser primates once and for all.  But they keep creeping into my range of existence, entangling their crap with a war in their own heads, which inevitably has repercussions to me and my health.  The less I participate, the more certain they are that I am retaliating, or planning to retaliate.  They always have one or two things in common.  1 - There is always a female involved, and/or, 2 - They come from the region of Chicago/Milwaukee.  It is a disease.  They try to get their victims into a bottleneck, where, either way, they lose.  Responding or not responding.  Either way, they are somehow proved to be a part of the mentally ill war going on in the psychos' heads.  These people.  The Nethers.  A-Hole Guy and his gf.  The CGGOTC.  My older brother.  The Narcissists Next-Door.  My LL-sister and all her sad cohorts.  It is a disease.  And, now, of course, the people upstairs are beginning to tap on their walls again...
It somewhat annoys me that these people suddenly become doctors and psychologists, and decide that the only cure for my CFS - which they decide is all in my head - is to attack me constantly.  If you can figure that out then you have the formula for anti-justice.  Then, other people conclude that my complaints of being attacked are either also due to things being in my head or, at best, that my CFS is simply making me oversensitive to noise.  But the very willingness to assume I am daft, is the very same willingness the attackers use to justify their attacks - based on a false threat.  A bogeyman.  A crazyman r terrorist.  It's ALL THE SAME CRAZINESS.  From psychopaths to the considerate sheep.  It is a very real thing, that poor, ill or marginalized people are getting eaten alive by society, ever since 9/11 rang out its great bell of bullshit.  And no one was safe!  Now, our country is so twisted and BIZARRO, that Homeland Security is cutting back razor wire so that more disruptive illegals can flood in, sheltering actual terrorists, disease, and so on.  I just know what to think of this completely lost society anymore.  An Army guy offers me a couch and then never delivers?  An Army guy?  And a police officer's couch?  WTF kind of country is this, now?
No Trick-or-Treaters. Just memories of my dog. On Wednesday, All-Saints Day, let's remember what an absolutely wonderful dog he was. He was so good, and so fearless, in the classical American way, that two pittbulls could be charging and barking at him, almost tearing down their fence, and he would just stand there, wanting to play. The crap he went through, from passive aggressive neighbours like the Crazy Old Bald Man downstairs, with all his BANGS - while doggie slept on the floor - was superhuman in its tolerance. Tolerance like steel. But, really, a very sensitive heart. A very sensitive dog. I would say he was more of a saint than most any human being I have ever met. As Maria Zeee said...
"The human spirit is stronger than these evil, Satanist bastards."

american decline / declinism - usa, insomnia, holidays - halloween, my neighbours, psychology - passive aggression, woe is me, my past, zeee - maria zeee

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