Saturday's Alex Jones show was kind of fun, for a change. For one thing, he bitched cogently about all the crap "he" has been getting, for being Christian, white, etc. I could relate to this rant - not the Christian or white part - just the part where people get up in your face and act like you owe them something, for no real reason. For another thing, he mock's Biden's weird new chin and starts drawing Hitler moustaches on everyone. For another thing, he gives an astute and likely explanation for why RFK Jr. is now careening to the left, which I think everyone should listen to.
HERE is that show right HERE. Also, in this show, Jones insists that the Palestinians NOT be brought into this country. Israel should take them. I can see how this might be interpreted as being xenophobic or racist, but it's not. Especially if you consider that an agenda has been underway for at least a decade to flood the West with disruptive illegal immigrants, and other destabilisations. Indeed, Jones does a good job at explaining how he tries desperately to find the truth, and not take sides on anything, just for the sake of taking sides. That;s also how I am.
On the same page, I saw
an older article on how pop-start M.I.A. saw the Billion-dollar verdict against Alex Jones (for his free speech) as being absurd, and also saw that the COVID "vaccines" were a devastating LIE. I was into M.I.A. before
Paper Planes came along, and I still honour her. Here is a nice explanation on what was some of the meaning behind that song... How refugees from war-torn countries really were NOT a threat. Rather, THEY just want to be left alone, too(!)
(But, I have to say, a small minority of them are in fact a threat, and some of them are actually now being trained to be threats, with weapons stockpiled, and so on. Things are not as simple here, and now, as they were in Sri Lanka, M.I.A).
Click to view MIA kind-of pulled the same trick as JFKjr., didn't she? Maybe she was also with CIA?