What's up, Budh?

Oct 14, 2023 11:57

If one going down into a river,
swollen and swiftly flowing,
is carried away by the current --
how can one help others across?

Sutta Nipāta 2.321

Few among people are those who cross to the farther shore.
The rest, the bulk of people, only run up and down the hither bank.
But those who act according to the perfectly taught Dhamma
will cross the realm of Death, so difficult to cross.

Dhammapada 6.85, 6.86
Irrigators regulate the rivers;
fletchers straighten the arrow shaft;
carpenters shape the wood;
the wise control themselves.

Dhammapada 6.80
One who drinks deep the Dhamma
lives happily with a tranquil mind.
The wise one ever delights in the Dhamma
made known by the Noble One (the Buddha).

Dhammapada 6.79
Through conviction one crosses over the flood.
Through heedfulness, the sea.
Through persistence one overcomes suffering & stress.
Through discernment a person is purified.

Sutta Nipāta 1.186
One is the quest for worldly gain,
and quite another is the path to Nibbana.
Clearly understanding this,
let not the monk, the disciple of the Buddha,
be carried away by worldly acclaim,
but develop detachment instead.

Dhammapada 5.75

Dhamma (Pāḷi) or Dharma (Sanskrit) in singular and generally denotes the Teaching of the Buddha, the truth or natural law he discovered, used for liberation, and taught. Dhammā or dharmā in plural - according to context - usually point to phenomena, things, experiences, factors of existence, conditions, realities.

quotes, religion - buddhism

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