Loco whether.

Oct 14, 2023 11:46

Last night went all right.
I was warm enough, but right on the edge of cold.  I did manage to sleep better and more.  Before the rain subsided, there were large raindrops hitting the roof, falling from a building or line, and these were distracting from falling a sleep.  The rest of the rain was quite nice.  Despite getting the sleep, I did have CFS/brain probs anyway, and these were made worse from arising too early, today.

Temp got down to 50 degrees last night.  Because there are two holes in each side of the floor of the van, the wind comes through, and makes the van pretty much the same temp as outside.  This morning, I largely sealed up the smaller hole with plastic grocery bags.  But, if it gets down to 45, I think it will be too cold in there - for me.  I might see if I can somewhat seal up the other hole.  But I don;t like spedning more time back there than necessary, with eyes all around looking for a banquet.

Last night, btw, there was an event going on within the building behind which I was parked. Parking lots were filled up. And when it was over, the place swarmed with mothers and their tiny kids. So, that was also a mild, passing distraction.

This morning, I finally located some warm socks in the van, safely stored away with underwear. And, remember those shoes I bought? They were still in the front cab. (Still there because I planned to spray them outside with silicon, some time). But I had to put my wets socks and shoes back on - under lower-wet jeans - to get to those shoes. And, I changed shows and socks in there, saying, "Isn't this lucky?!"

When I did that, some man loudly AHEMmed me. He was watching out for the building. Probably maintenance, or the owner cleaning up, himself. I nodded to him, but he still didn't like it. Soon, I was off to the farmers market. Not feeling great, but good enough to go.

I had been thinking I would next clean the rust on the top of the van, which causes the leaks. But it was so darned cold and windy and humid, NO WAY I was going to do that. Since I was not warm or recovered when I left the van, all this cold wind just tore away my bones inside. Big shivers. Bad thermoregulation.

So, I drove to the library, and here I am, like a salamander, warming up. It should be colder tomorrow. And - I was thinking maybe do this two more nights???

Because those neighbours are very loud and aggressive all night on Saturday nights, too.

And Monday looks like the best day to do painting. So, staying over in the van through Sunday night would mean I'd be situated to start on that fairly early. Where I'd park the van for the night, idk. It does look like people here get more suspicious that I had suspendered.

When up to it, I am going to sit down at a desk and fill out those gov't benefit forms, although they cannot be mailed - from the P.O. - until Monday. I presently have more things to do online - bank, etc.

BTW - The van is suddenly acting scary. As soon as I started it up, yesterday, it was chugging and thumping. I don't know if the rain contributed to whatever this problem is. Recall that, before my van died and had to be towed to the shop, it had been raining the night/s before. And the van's roof leaks. So, idk.

Also, I put in $50 worth of, "super-unleaded," some days ago. I hear that unleaded can cause issues. Was forced to do that because apparently Caseys only has that and Diesel - ?!

But, more also, the, "service engine soon," light has been on non-stop. Most if not all the time here.

Well, it was on that time the van died and got towed to the shop for diagnosis, and all they found was a bad battery. So, I was hoping that this was just one of those quirks of a vehicle's old age. That light often goes on for some people even when there is supposedly no real problem. But, the fear of a major problem occurring presently is much on la cabeza.

Speaking of which, mine is very woozy and floaty and wants to cuddle with a large forgiving sloth.

my day journeys / day treks, environ - weather and climate, my cars, prehistoric - megafauna, animals - megafauna

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