TEMPTATION - part one

Oct 03, 2023 08:25

Yes, I had a fully disabled day, yesterday. My body is trying to recover from all the moving and the related stress. But, this relapse was also due to the assaults coming from upstairs, which disrupted my circadian - one of the worst things to do to a CFS person. All they think is that they are annoying someone who is lying about being ill, basically. Someone who might be a little tired. And I am supposed to, "forgive them, for they know not what they do," until I am finally up on a cross, and the masses are giggling about it, but NO THANKS. I've got better ways to spend what little time is available to me.

Last night, the two upstairs went to bed early, because they were so tired from staying up all night, for three nights, pounding the floor with their heals, and all sorts of other fun. But, only minutes after they heard me flush my toilet at 8:30pm - late for me - they brought out some kind of loud buzzing machine, pressed it against the floor, and committed to annoying me once again. AND IT WAS VERY LOUD. Like I am hearing a buzz saw right outside my window loud. If any of you doubt me that this is deliberate, well, here is yet more evidence that it is.

And why? People in apartments feel disempowered, compared to the people they see in houses, and so on. And, a reason why a lot of them are in apartments is because they are messed up from the start, and cannot get lucrative jobs. That is a relative thng, because there are less and less lucrative jobs available to people, in general. (Those fewer lucrative jobs which do exists do pay more and more, though. And the proles spend there days gorging on, "Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous," and such.

Other people are in apartments because they are physically handicapped in some way. Like the family who take care of the son, Autie Boy. Or - like me. People who are cognitively, or psychologically, etc., disabled, are therefore physically disabled, to some degree. When I am relapsing, I am as able as a blind person with paraplegia. So, we are stuck in apartments, if we are lucky, where envious idiots seek to place us at the bottom of their pecking orders - and away they peck. Because they can. And that means freedom, to them - like pulling the legs off of an insect feels good to a sadistic fool. Feels good. Costs nothing. Or does it? What about Karma? What about sin?

The last Catholic in America would never deny that sin exists in the world. But, unless they are in 4th Grade, hovered over by fanatical nuns, keeping records of all you do, making up sins you never even committed, and filing into the Confessional as a kind of part-time-job, then many Catholics may exist that sin exists, but not so much in THEM. Sin mainly exists in the Others, and is differently just labelled, "Evil," the opposite of, "Live." And this is often simply a narcissistic game: "Anything which contradicts the life I want, then this is evil."

Yet, so many of these upstairs buggers who deliberately, truly mess with the real lives of others - of the most vulnerable, just happen to be Catholics, or Christians, or people who say they practice some other esteemed religion. Have they washed out their conscious minds by regular visits to the confessional, or to mass, or to self-flagellation? I think not. Or, if they have, then they mistakenly believe that the supposed cleansing of their sins means that it is a-OK to start up all over again, in their pathetic, closet, sadistic attacks on others. Because, to get away with it means it doesn't really happen. And, somehow, it feels good.

Many Christians may not really be the main instigators of such violence - because it is violence - but they are, instead, the flying monkeys of those who do. They sheepishly go along to get along, and secretly smile to themselves that, "Oooh, it's GOOD to be 'BAD'!" And - get away with it. Because, this way, no one can really call it sin, can they?

There is a casual political - and moral/economic - hierarchy of actual evil in this world. You've got the Rocks At The TOP - the elite families and financial institutions - the Rockefellers and BlackRock - all of whom are psychopathic in effect, and normally anti-moral. They undertake their sadistic projects because money allows them infinite leeway n doing what feels good to do, and get away with.

Then you got a great swarm of practicing Satanists, which is essential just moral, religious contrarianism. A great conspiracy of psychopathy, basically. These are the elite members, to which idiots like Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Mike Pense, etc., wish to belong. But, it's actually composed of old money, not new. Still, partly containing some of those mentioned above, it also contains the Council of 500, the leaders of the WEF, the secret societies, Church insiders, and all that. Executives from banks. Graduated politicians. And so on. It's high-school on steroids. Freshman frat house.

Think of the group above as the moneyed psychopaths. They share a common agenda, which is not only to control humanity, but to harm it drastically - and get away with it. Since there are so many more of us than there are of them, they must practice their agendae very discretely. We must not see it happening to us. Until its safe for them to rub it in our faces.

The next group is composed of the moneyed narcissists. These people are obsessed with control, with their image, with being liked, with getting their own way, and with gaining as much power as possible. To those more at the Top, these people are disgusting, since they care so much about being liked. Psychopaths are only interested in killing, in all of its forms. Because, to a very small, but wealthy, group of people, DESTRUCTION = PROFIT.

So, the moneyed narcissists play along, hoping to join the Clubs at the top. Because their emotional minds are still adolescent. This collection contains aspiring politicians, CEOs, many law enforcement and FBI heads, Deep State Bureaucrats, and so on. The Psychopaths tend to largely include globalists, although this group also contains many globalists. And, this group tends to largely contain national-oriented players, but the Psychopath group also contains national-based players.

Then, there is the massive, loose conspiracy of sub-narcissists - or flying monkeys, relative to the higher ups. But - relative to general society - these celebrities and businessmen and lawyers and politicians - are the revered narcissists. And many, if not most of them, will have all the symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, where selfish aims benefit only the select few, but seriously damage society and the environment far more-so. In the big picture.

And, they use all the conventions of society, like attending church services, in order to make themselves look moral, which allows them to secretly get away with their own, ultimately-murderous, agendae.

Perhaps beholden to them may be The Bastard Class, of which I have written earlier. This class is basically the swarm of professionals who are in a slow-motion frenzy, stepping on heads, trying to get to the top, but don't have exorbitant sums of money, compared to the "higher-ups", i.e., (the lower lowlife). Not having as much money, many of them spend a lot of time simply being bastards to their underlings, like employees or family members. They are the true flying monkeys, of the Moneyed Flying Monkeys, who are actually Narcissists, (with sadistic tendencies).

Each level of this conspiracy of refined idiots look down upon those, "beneath them." This disdain is a natural function of the will - and mechanics - to power. Each level has a different view on who, relative to them, are the, "useful idiots," the, "useless eaters," and the, "basket of deplorables."

But, all narcissists - including psychopaths - have their flying monkeys, and all narcissists have their useful idiots. The useful idiots may not directly be flying monkeys, but they sheepishly go along with, and allow, or look the other way - or facilitate - the agendae of the prime narcissists. They perform helpful functions, often unaware that they may be doing anything wrong. Or, they may be vicarious, closet narcissists, or have some other "mental" issue, like Borderline, Autism, Selfishness, Altruism, false hope, or mere stupidity. Sometimes, just too trusting.

Or, they may be compartmentalised, kept from seeing bigger pictures. They may be wont not to see that evil could really happen in the world they walk. They may wish to refuse that their unassuming lives could be part of any sin, or anything evil. Or, they may just be very opposed to admitting that change may occur. Rather than seeing bigger pictures, they may live their lives through the limitted scope of TV and cellphone screens.

But, relative the the, "higher," classes above, (including the bastard class, who are themselves largely useful idiots), there may also be said to exist rough categories of people who are actually regarded as classes of, "useful idiots," or of, "useless eaters," or of a, "basket of deplorables"...

(Notice how, the further down you go on this hierarchy of narcissists, the less money people tend to have).

The useful idiots: although most people are useful idiots in one way or another, (and may be evicted come the final battle), this general class could be said to be mainly comprised of people who daftly serve the interests of anyone from the ultimate elites to the bastard class.

The useless eaters: This generally refers to anyone who isn't serving the agendae of the ultimate elites, and so is regarded as an expense, a drag, a waste. Something to eject from the great plane of glory and self-deification. Other classes adopt this term, and also use it derogatorilly, regarding many, "beneath," them, (even though higher-ups may regard them, themselves, as useless eaters, or some sort or another, once their roles as useful idiots are completed). I think this term probably arose from a disdain for people on SNAP, SS, SSI, etc., as well as of many in the Third World, all of whom are planned for ultimate extinction, (to be blamed on Republicans, of course). Most of these people are black or brown.

The basket of deplorables: this Hillary Clinton coined term basically refers to the working class who have values not in sych with those of the ultimate elites and all their useful helpers. They tend to be Christian, against which the main hierarchy rebels because, again, destruction = profit or gain. This basket may contain an assortment of different groups, like the NRA types, preppers, Constitutionalists, rednecks, white trash, patriots, etc., or it could be expanded to include MAGA or all Republicans - and even wider, to include just about anyone with less money, which is the majority of humanity, which is what makes it so deeply insulting.

That does it for the hierarchy of narcissists. The more narcissistic is a person, (or a class or category of narcissistically inclined people), then the lower on the scale they would be on morality scales, such as designed by Maslow and Kohlberg. For example, high-narcissism displays excessive interest in authority or in force, when it comes to dictating what is, "moral." Contrary to this are higher stages of moral development, such as self-actualisation, which is anathema to narcissism, and which narcissisms seek out to try to destroy, with a rabid passion.

And, the obsession with power, authority and force is precisely why these people arrange themselves into political hierarchies, in real life. They all fear losing control or power, etc., and they all envy the getting more of control or power. Or money.

Speaking of money, it goes without saying that money permits the wildfire of social narcissism to rage out of control. Money is different to actual physical things that can be traded, inherently imposing restrictions on choice. Money, more and more, allows more and more choice and ability, even when those choices are bad, wrong, artificial, destructive or sinful. Money allows completely irrelevant, incongruous, irrational or alienated diversity of choices. Which is getting us to the crux of this post...

But, first, lets consider the related hierarchy of economic classes in today's societies. Mainly, it goes something like this:

THE TOP 1% -
Elite families.
Global financial institutions, esp. CEOs.
Global banks, esp. CEOs.

THE TOP 10% -
Globalist actors, organisations and alliances.
Associated media and political apparati.
CEOs and their transnational corporations.
Globalised churches and similar structures.
National banks, and associated.
National politicians, leaders and celebrities.
Associated media and political apparati.

CEOs, businessmen, professionals, billionaires, politicians, etc.
Millionaires, dctors, lawyers, land-holders, investors, corporateers, etc.

THE MIDDLE CLASS (in decline) -
Standard professionals, management, entrepreneurs, investors, white-collar workers, construction, trades, dentists, veterinarians, etc.
Some blue-collar, union-members, corporate farm / food industry.

THE WORKING CLASS (no longer owned by DNC in USA) -
Blue-collar, grunt workers, union-members, dog-catchers, police, some white-collar.
Some working / COMFORTABLE POOR, corporate farmers / rural.

The working poor.
Farmers / rural.
Urban / ethnic poor.
The safety-net poor.
The very poor / homeless.
The dying, tragically disabled, hopelessly addicted, many ill, many elderly, dogs and cats, etc.

Less and less means - less and less time and opportunity - the further "down" you go, and often the stronger the morality and communal conservatism, even in urban black communities. Not necessarilly the more transcendent in morality. Many self-reliant, although not so many self-actualised. It takes security and comfort for things like health, meditation and self-actualisation to grow. (Just as it takes fertiliser, and money for fertiliser, for modern farms to prosper).

Near the bottom of the economic totem pole, where heads are most crushed, there is too much / chronic stress for these human transcendents to take hold. These people are more vulnerable to manipulation from the narcissists and bureaucrats, "above".

So, we can easily assume that many people near, "the bottom," of both hierarchies can be used as scapegoats and victims, by people a little, "higher up," who themselves see themselves as vulnerable or victimised. Easy victims in an assumed - although not necessarilly valid - pecking order.

And this personal feeling becomes cultivated and served by narcissists, no matter how wealthy they may be.

The pecking proceeds as the perpetrators sense some change, seemingly threatening them in some oblique way. The elites sometimes rightly assume that they are under some kind of threat from the masses, which is why they go to great lengths, employing political strategies like divide-and-conquer. They may have money but are in fact morally and physically weak. After all, the drive to obtain more money or power are fatuous and illusory. Being such, the need to exert physical damage, beyond mere control, is felt to be some kind of compensation by these spiritually poor people.

Of course, having or getting money is not necessarilly a bad thing, in and of itself.

However: Money can almost intrinsically lend itself to moral corruption. And here's why:


Part Two later.

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