P. O. A. P. (16) : Narcissism as the basis of MASS PSYCHOSIS - (Part 1)

Aug 15, 2023 18:39

Here is the series.

>Uh, so we had a little post on mass formation psychosis, from Dr. Malone, I believe, who is a sort of Jeckel-and-Hyde character presently courting the Constitutionalist Right, or whatever you'd call it.  The PRO-SHERIFF faction, or something.  I noticed that I do have some outstanding links available on this subject for ya, hey, hey?  Ya want some?  I can give it!

But, I wanted to add more, to make this even more compelling of a subject.  And that is this: There isn't just this phenomenon of mass psychosis - something I consider a concept in SOCIOLOGY.  Mass psychosis doesn't just creep in on people who know no better than to let themselves be led off to the slaughter.  Al falling into lock-step, for fear of looking like THE PROBLEM.  Or such.

And, it isn't just a matter of a society being whipped or scared or electrocuted so many times that it just gives up and starts whipping and scaring and electrocuting its own members.  The Milgram experiments are not fully understood, including by RFK Jr.  That is to say, they aren't conclusive.  People don't just magically turn into monsters, as in Lord of the Flies.  There is more to it than that.

And the extra key ingredient appears pretty obvious, to me.  Just as the roots of psychopathy is narcissism, the roots of social psychosis is also narcissism.  Maybe that's a psychological term, but the roots of sociology are psychological.

Anyway, you can think of mass formation psychosis - a sociological phenomenon - SEE TAG - as a state where the number of (influential) flying monkeys in a society reaches a critical mass - a tipping point.  A point where all the beautiful, dutiful followers suddenly fancy themselves to be IN POWER - IN CHARGE - MORALLY AND LEGALLY ENTITLED TO EXERT THEIR CHOICES OVER THE CHOICES OF OTHERS.  Where once they were the fearful, they now lust after provoking fear in their own underlings.  See it?

Flying Monkeys are the kiss-ass, wannabe servants of primary narcissists - so they are functionaries of a sociopathic narcissism.  That is - they are sub-narcissists.  Mass psychosis occurs when they come into (majority)/ power.  It's a pretty simple, obvious concept, imo.

Flying monkeys do not simply follow orders.  They willfully follow orders which are lies - often especially when the orders are lies.

I could write a whole damn book on this subject alone.  So - I think you should have a lot of fun, just thinking about it, on your own.  because there is so much to it!

You know why those flying monkeys on the W.O.O. were so freakishly frightening?  It's because they were a marriage of the id, (or the limbic or reptilian brain), with the Superego.  They a marriage of the monkey and the wings.  No controls, in between.

So - you surely remember all my words on how narcopaths utilise their higher brains to rationalise the urgent demands of their limbic brains?  With no real regulations in between?  The child rationalising his basic wants and fears, by utilizing the complicated and apparently illustrious reasonings of some higher morality - the super-ego.  The SOCIAL ego.  The morally correct way to be!  Lets all rely on the PC, woke agenda way to be, so we all get each other to march off to the gas chambers, and all that.  See it?  It's right there.

So, that's all the discussion I can give you tonight.  I'll star off simply by reposting various links on MASS PSYCHOSIS, which you can explore any old time.  Later, I'll post links about narcissism, some psychopathy, and maybe relate that back again to mass psychosis.  Or, maybe just let it be, so you can just make the connections in your dreams, or such.  The main thing is: I GET TO DUMP MORE BOOKMARKS!...

But, the question is: How did we become a society so choke full of flying monkeys (now)? - so full of narcissists?  following psychopaths?  How did that happen?  Was it all pop trends?  Economics?  Education?  TV?  Internet?  Politics?  WEF?  Top-down controllers?  Was it all a plan?  Were we all duped and manipulated into it, seeing as there are better paid, more sophisticated psychopaths in this world than we will ever be?!  So - try to keep these related questions in mind when you think about all this, OK?!  Links:


The Truth About Mass Psychosis

mass formation psychopathy - Qwant Search

A Review of "The Psychology of Totalitarianism"

More Proof of Mass Insanity - High School Cheer Leaders Attack Each Other

A MUST READ! “‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ paradoxically serves to legitimize the mass atrocity perpetrated during the Covid-19 era”

💥🔥💉 Dr. Peter McCullough is Spot On! People Are Not Connecting the Dots When the Covid Vaccine Kills Their Children! It's Mind Boggling! - Rumble

Mass Formation Hypnosis: The Psychology of Totalitarianism Exposed, Professor Mattias Desmet In-Studio

Mass Psychosis: (Before every holiday and collapse). - Wisdom is the retention of innocence through adversity. - LiveJournal

Hannah Arendt - 92_lina - LiveJournal

Hannah Arendt, Banality of Evil: philzav - LiveJournal

Anthony Hecht, "More Light! More Light!" - War Poetry - LiveJournal

LJ search

LJ search

Exploratory Notes on the Origins of New Fascisms | Critical Times | Duke University Press

Hannah Arendt in 1951: a new totalitarianism is emerging in our society. Not a communist or fascist totalitarianism but a technocratic totalitarianism. A kind of totalitarianism that is not led by “a gang leader” such as Stalin or Hitler but by dull bureaucrats and technocrats. - Qwant Search

The Psychology of Totalitarianism - American Faith

hannah arendt we have seen two totalitarian the next will be a technocratic totalitarianism - Qwant Search

TOP 25 QUOTES BY HANNAH ARENDT (of 282) | A-Z Quotes

Hannah Arendt: The Philosophy of Totalitarianism

hannah arendt - Qwant Search

The Chilling Thesis of Hannah Arendt - The Newnan Times-Herald

‘I hope one day we'll see an end to abuse’: the woman striving to save Congo’s kids | Global development | The Guardian

MATTIAS DESMET: Mass Formation Psychosis - YouTube

Interview 1730 - Breaking Free From Mass Formation with Mattias Desmet - The Corbett Report

Tucker: How totalitarian states emerge through mass formation

Mattias Desmets mass formation - Qwant Search

Yuri Landman - Wikipedia

mattias desmet - Search results - Wikipedia

s- 'profile of a psychopath' (2021-2024), psychology - mob / mass psychology, all * narcissists/ narcissism/ psychopat, tipping points, movies - 'wizard of oz', malone - dr robert malone, critical situations, madness, sociology - mass psychosis, arendt - hanna, desmet - mattias desmet, lies / lying / liar liars, narcissism - narcissists/ psychopaths, ++, animals - monkeys - flying monkeys, sociology - fascism, sociology - mass sociopathy, psychology - masochism, psychology - narcissism / narcissists

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