Mass Psychosis: (Before every holiday and collapse).

Sep 04, 2022 07:07

You might want to view this video again. I think it's about 20 minmins.  I'll be posting more on Hannah Arendt, mass psychosis, etc., soon.  So, this video is a good primer.

Plus, there are a lot of interesting aliens reading my journal at the moment.  Hello to you all.  Add me if you're in France.

[A note to the reactionaries out there: I love science.  I like to cook.  I am pro-LGBT.  I believe global warming exists.  I am a crazy music freak.  It's OK to do pot or mushrooms.  I am an animal and nature lover.  I like writing in loud cavernous cafés.  I believe disadvantaged people have a right to fair assistance.  Capitalism does not cure all ills.  I laugh at psychopaths.  I never supported violent riots.  Peaceful anarchy is a wonderful thing.  Don't bugger me with your cultish religion.  My hair is two feet long. I hate Big Brother. I walk everywhere. I am not a citizen of your country. Black people like me. I give away things that are important. I've had sex with a lesbian. Trust but verify. Eat at Joe's. I've read Hegel, Marx and Engels. I supported Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders. I majored in Psych. Two wrongs don't make a right. I like chic flicks. Stick it to the man].

[Judge not, lest ye be judged].


Have fun with my funny posts - see tag. I don't care so much if you add me. Interested readers are what I like.

sociology - mass psychosis, my funny posts - and see funny

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