Jul 25, 2023 09:45

So, I have always thought that my CFS seems to be reactive to things like noisy electricity, wifi, thunderstorms, and so on.  Even bright light shot through my skull will trigger a brain relapse emanating from that area (later).  The electricity in our bodies carries on through the currency of photons, (largely via nitrogen and sodium).

But, we also have, with all of our cells, tiny metal particles which are magnetised, called magnetites.  Some scientists think that magnetites help guide birds along their migration routes.  So - we are all, already, sensitive to electricity.  Whatever this sensitivity is about, it seems fine to consider that people w/ CFS might have some kind of amplified problem in that area, when it comes to experiencing external electromagnetic energy.

Birdbrains gone haywire.

I started sensing that solar activity might be affecting my CFS, years ago.  What a bizarre, crazy thing to think, right?  But, I had to think what might be the main affecter energy, coming from the sun?  Was it an immediate hit from entangled quanta?  Was it neutrinos.  How about Xrays/cosmic-rays?  Do I get more ill as soon as sunspots develop?  Do I get the illness as soon as a flare or CME begins?  Or - do I only get ill at least 8 minutes after the causative energy reaches the planet?  Hard to figure out, when info is incomplete, and lagging, online.  And hard to figure out - because researching during a relapse is virtually impossible(!)  Just thinking can be impossible.

It appears that it is (usually/mainly) electrical changes which affect my CFS.  So, the sun's CME, or magnetic burst, etc., hits the planet, and both imparts electrical energy, and - more-so - disturbs the planet's geomagnetic fields - or lines of force.  I am pretty sure that it is the latter which, theoretically, affects my CFS.  And those electromagnetic changes can run anywhere from a little over 8 minutes after the solar event, and hours afterwards.  We have seen, it appears to impact my dog as well - contributing evidence to the hypothesis that my dog has the pet version of my CFS.

That makes sense.  Electricity..  Electrical warps in space-time.

Not too long after I moved into my previous place, I fell ill.  And, for some reason, I looked at my compass.  Maybe I knew there was a CME impact was going on.  I think I was unaware of this, though.  Mind-bogglingly, the "N" needle completely refused to point North!  It just refused!  It would go wide to the left of north, and wide to the right of north, but impossible to point north!  I guess I must have later heard the news that a CME had hit he earth, causing the north pole to migrate to a different part of the northern hemisphere.  Or, maybe it had nothing to do with the sun - so to speak - maybe the planet's magnetic field was just having an issue.  But, pretty weird.  And - yes - I was very ill when it was all happening!

So, is my CFS electrical reactivity just due to something wrong with my magnetites?  Since we don;t know how they work, I don;t know.  Maybe something more is going on.  What culd that be?  How about - Graphene Oxide?!

Because, it is possible that my CFS could have started from a "vaccine" - a concoction containing G.O., as has been in vaccines for years, as an adjuvant.  AND...  Maybe said hypothetical injection might actually have been a forerunner of the recent "COVID mRNA" bioweapon injections - indeed, also containing the notorious spike protein, (which is partly made from G.O.)  Because they have been experimenting with this stuff for decades - and Fauci has been in charge since even before the CFS outbreak at Incline Village in the 1980's.

So - maybe I have not (only) contracted the "COVID" spike protein very recently - via "vaccine" shedding or via "COVID" - but maybe I have carried it for many years - it being fundamental to my CFS.  And those related illnesses of my dogs.

"Shedding" would better explain the low-correlation incidents of CFS "contagion".  (Someone needs to look into whether those Incline Village people were ever injected with anything prior to the outbreak).

G.O. is at the heart of mineral+hydrogel clotting in post "vaccine"/long-haul COVID illnesses.  And, G.O. is part of the spike protein lipid-nano, (incorrectly called "mRNA"), which is involved in clot growth, especially in times of accelerated cell use, stress, and/or ELECTRICAL radiation.  Also, of high interest, is the fact that both CFS and long-COVID display microclotting as part of their fundamental profile.

Rarely is long-COVID caused by COVID.  Most commonly, it occurs after the so-called anti-COVID "vaccines," which contain the spike protein/G.O.  Indeed, cells are instructed to keep manufacturing the spike protein in perpetuity.  Come hell or hight water.  One can imagine that, during stressful times, when there are more ACE2 receptors, there will be more production of this prion-like artificial protein, (composed also from the HIV virus).  But, production, in general, continues, whether there is more stress or not.

Considering all of this, it becomes reasonable to hypothesize that CFS might also be caused by the same artificial bio-processes as have been killing and disabling people via the recent bioweapon injections.  Especially when electrical or wifi radiation is introduced.

And, so, it becomes curious that CFS - and presumably post-bioweapon-injection illnesses - appear to both be extremely reactive to electrical changes caused by solar impacts.

And this at a time when our solar system is passing through a 12,000-cycle warp in the galactic plain, with solar activity expected to increase more and more strongly in upcoming years.  It is almost as if a specific menu was followed, so that the more reactive the sun becomes, the more injected people will fall ill, and die.  So - here we have a new hypothesis:

This is part of a deliberate, planned depopulation attempt.  An extremely intelligent one.  Even too intelligent for humans, alone, to have thought up themselves.  -  Just a hypothesis!  And, here we go...

We know that the covert powers that be are predicting huge catastrophe, coming soon, associated with increased solar activity.  Maybe a massive punch from the sun, as predicted in 1917, at Fatima, seemingly.  What would happen, during such an onslaught of CME's and super-flares, would be that the magnetic poles would burn out, and the poles would then reappear at new spots in the planet's surface.  Like, maybe North decides to go to Bermuda, or South Africa - who knows?

So, that would be a big change - basically a rough reversal - of the magnetic poles, which happens in cycles, which is due to happen soon, and which evidence shows is happening now.

But such a change, also coupled with a big change in the rotation of the planet's core, and a failure of the planet's magnetic field, would very possibly result in a new, even bigger problem: A major change in the REAL poles, of north and south - as the plant's rotation changes.

Actually - not the rotation of the planet, but the rotation of the crust which sits on the surface of the planet.  Which we sit on.

Big thermodynamic - from melting ice caps to cosmic-ray heated surface area - and so on - would be expected, by some, to cause imbalance in the distributed weight and in the solidity or firmness of the overlying crust.  The crust could be compelled to readjust itself, which wuold then result in massive winds, massive quakes, massive floods - just total end of of the world stuff  That's what some expect.

And that may be why there is accomodation for an entire city under the Dever airport, and other places around the world.  Similar catastorphes may also explain why pyramids developed.  Why you get an entire civilisation moving to the top of a mountain in Peru.  And so on.  These cataclysmic changes may have been erupting, to some degree or another, every 12,000 years.  So, there really could have been civiliasitions along the way - 12,000 - 48,000 - even earlier - once extant, which experienced, and were mainly wiped out by, these travesties, although leaving some compelling clues, archaeologically and biblically, as to the possible fact that they did happen.

If such a thing is expected to happen soon, then some conspiracy could be afoot to try to cull the human race before or during the events, as a way of mitigating the human complications, and save the hides of the powerful  If it is aliens in charge of this culling operation, then the reason could be that they would want to take over the planet after the events have occurred.  OR - they might just think it is more "humanitarian" to kill off human beings via "vaccines" than it would be to see them all suffer so badly during the painful catastrophe/s.


We have already noted that the "mRNA Vaccine" technology seems almost to intelligent to have been developed and executed by human beings alone.  And, if you look at the degree of conspiracy, patent-creation, etc., the amount of complicated and precise planning has been ASTONISHING.  So - has it been artificial intelligence, which has been helping and even "momentum-ising" all of this?  AI waged by the idiotic WEF?  Or - maybe ot really has been aliens - and, actually, both aliens and AI...

How many times have you watched a show about aliens, and the aliens were taking biosamples of human victims? Or inserting implants?  Or doing other sureries?  (And - maybe similar things on cattle, etc).  Why would they be doing this?  My theory was that the Greys - if they are real - are actually us from the future.  Except they are evolutionary results of increased psychopathy, more G.O. involved in human genetics, and/or of the race inbreeding itself into genetic weakness - such that they had to come from the future, collect DNA info us, and use that - and us - to help revitalise our genetics - and that of our food stock.  That was one hypotheses...

But..  Maybe their little human experiments were part of their research into how best to kill us off, most easilly, most "humanely," most efficiently?  And - how to get human to die off, the more wifi and the sun release their electrical radiations.

Maybe.  I have no idea.  My head is mush, in many ways, even as I type...

One thing I remember, from one UFO show, was where an alien supposedly responded to the fear of one of their kidnapped victims, facing surgical invasions, by saying:

"Why are you afraid.  We already told you (people) that we would put you back after the experiments were finished."

This is probably just nonsense.  But, what if it was an actual thing that happened?  what a weird thing for an alien to say!  If this is really how this particular race of aliens is - imagining itself to be humane  even as it possibly works to depopulate us all - then that race is certainly as - or even more - psychopathic as Klaus Schwab, and associated.

"We are only here to help you."

"This will hurt me more than it will hurt you."

""Don;t be so overwhelmed by your irrational human emotions!"

So, I am just putting these hypotheses out there for you.  All I know is that, no matter what I do, I cannot really push back this illness - possibly made worse by the contraction of additional spike proteins (/production) from the bioweapon injections.  Which is what they are.

And, I am quite sure that those statisticians who are bold enough to look at reality straight on - like Ed Dowd - are completely convinced that a depopulation operation has been effectively underway since 2020 - and is getting worse - through emerging cancers, immune system failures - solar activity...

That's the truth.  And, when some people's brains have cleared enough from the EXPERT cognitive warping caused by these "vaccines" also look squarely at what is unfolding, they will agree that this depopulation agenda IS COMPLETELY TRUE.

Whether it originates mainly from land-grubbers, profiteers, controllaholics, deep state military, artificial intelligence  - or even aloof aliens - it is a very real phenomenon.  And the most important historical event perhaps of all time.  Very sad.  Just seeing so many blinding themselves to it - so harmfully and violently(!)  Just fulfilling the divide-and-conquer plans inherent in the programme.  Very sad to watch society slowly go mad, and fall dead, suddenly, bit by bit.  Just keep your eyes open - over the next few years.  Be open minded to the possibility that this really could be happening.

As far as aliens causing it, I don;t expect that idea to live anywhere, presently, but in the whimsy of a few people's imaginations.

And I don;t say I believe any one hypothesis.  But, this is a depopulation agenda.  I am pretty sure of that.  We have been made into a new, self-destructive species, by these so-called, "vaccines."

Pretty interesting post, eh.  Got to see if I am well enough to take on reality, now...

aliens / alien invasions (and see ufo's), +++

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