Jul 25, 2023 05:52

I was thinking of doing a fast.  Fasting was always good for my CFs - and they say it is good against the spike protein.  But I'd need at least 3 days.  I'd still be fasting by the 27th, (eye exam, downtown, etc), and I can't be active on a fast.  I would drop from some kind of "diabetic" crash.

I failed to give dog water at 5:am (my time), or to let him out at 6:am.  Woke up just before 7:am.  Maybe no supplement this morning.  Will need more sleep - at least rest - before I can start on anything.  But 2-day relapse isn;t as bad, day 3.

Yesterday was bizarre, disabling "AIRHEAD". Can't remember what problem was on Sunday. I think possibly brain-strain migraine, front-centre. Must check. Followed moving boxes for van, to go.

my cfs diary (2023)

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