The Day The World Gets 'Round...

Jul 23, 2023 04:36

Since I was handicapped all day, I ended the day by watching, "the Ice Storm."

It sucks so bad not to be able to do anything, all day long.  Especially when there is so much to do.  And so much you badly want and need to do.  Just suffering in place, watching the world roll away from you, minute after minute, hour after hour - sometimes even day after day.

But, I feel I cam get some things done today!  If I don;t cramp out.  Because I have been cramping out a lot.  Currently in a yawning ft.

Had a dream where I was outside, but part of a high-school or class - but my old LL was the main person in charge.  We all ended up having to wear these white thin-mesh shirts, long sleeves, for some reason.  I considered doing something individualistic about this, but never got around to it.  When some big event was over, everyone was to answer he question presented in these boxes placed about the park(?) area - like little free-library boxes.  The question was nicely handwritten inside each box:

"What purchase did you make which made the most radical change?"

So, what did this question mean?...

Purchased this year - or ever?  Let's say, ever....

Radical change could mean good or bad.  I bought a gas-guzzling van - that's bad radical change.  But, I assume it meant good radical change...

And - does it mean...  Radical change for...

Self / group?

Society / community?

Or world / planet?

I don't know - maybe the last one.

So, what purchase have you ever made that caused the most radical change for the world?  (Or self/society?)...

I've bought a membership to he Arbor Day Foundation, where you get 10 free tree saplings to plant.  I have also bought all kinds of seeds for wild plants that feed birds and animals.


I bought a dog for $40 which saved his life and made me and others happy?

I have never bought solar panels or a windmill.

I have never sponsored a kid in Africa.

Never bought a T-shirt with a high-charge political statement on it.  Some miler ones.

I have lived with a low-energy, low-harm footprint on the planet all my life - that's a good one.

I buy things from Walmart that are always wrapped in too much crappy plastic - that's a bad one.

Almost all of the meat that I buy is for my dog.

This health supplement that I have been using has caused the most radical impact for me, personally.

I think that if I were able to get a possibly free trailer and park it away in the woods, and live there a bit, then this would be a pretty good thing for the planet - not sure.

I try to buy, "7th Generation," dish0washing liquid, etc, even though it cakes up.

I bought a battery-charger, many years ago, and this has saved on disposing batteries.

I do';t buy eggs, etc., which are in Styrofoam, since that is disgusting and never gets recycled.  Just goes into landfill.

I guess my food-dehydrator was kind of radical.

Getting rid of a lot of my stuff - giving it away for free - somewhat radical and good for planet?

I refuse to eat bugs, etc.


I don't buy big things.  All my planetary and social change comes through my behaviour, including through my humour.  And of course I have put a huge amount of energy into my writing - which might have had the most effect on the world.  Not just via LJ, but via letters-to-editor, a newspaper column I had once, and so on.

I think if my LL friend were to answer this question, her answer might be, "A bike."

I haven't had a gas vehicle, most of my life, btw.  Always walking, or the bus.  Biking is too much for me, w/ CFS.

Really can't think of one purchase doing one big thing.

Buying, "All Things Must Pass," or, "Walden," made big changes in my life, and so how I affected other people(!)

How about you?

"What purchase did you make which made the most radical change?"

This song was in my head -

image Click to view
Who can see it?

My love belongs to who can see it!

(Just for today).

Someplace Else

Chant in the names of the lord.

my landlord/s, music - b - harrison george harrison, world peace and unity, questions!, ethics and entropy, my dreams / my visions

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