Caw! Caw! Accrue! Accrue!

Jul 22, 2023 18:03

Uh, so the tower comes tomorrow, they say.  At $80, via my VISA.  Pretty good, since it could have been as high as $300, which because this is Illinois, I am assuming.  I noticed an alert in my email shouting that the tower charge had been declined on my card.  Well, we're just going to hope that that is part of the process of them holding that payment as PENDING until after the tow really takes place.  Because I am too tired.  I've been ready for bed since before I got up, this morning.  I don;t know what time the tow is, because I had no mind to put my notes in order today, etc.  Did I mention - I forgot...?!

I don't know about getting the key to the auto place, since they will be closed, and were closed today, since this is Illinois.  Not so sure I want to ride out there w/ the towers and then be stuck.  In the middle of Illinois again.  The Diagnostics are early afternoon, on the 27th - same day I am supposed to be at eye surgeon.  Have no idea about buses - but I don't think buses go to the eye place, although they do take money from poor people, this being Illinois.

Couldn't lift boxes, today, say no more, say no more, my name, my name.  If I lifted some boxes early tomorrow, into the van, that would make me ill by about....  the 27th....  Thank you everyone, locally.  Thank for helping me.  So proud if this state.

Uh...  I guess more griping...  Storage locker says I never paid them, but yelled at me, "How did you get a gate code if you never paid us?!"  Probably because they finished processing me over the phone, gave me a gate code, said come in any time, you now have a locker, just bring a padlock.  Then I see a threatening email from 2 days ago that they would be taking me to Collections, since I never paid.  No, they said they processed my payment but I guess they never processed my payment.  $54.  Glad to pay.  Not now, though....

In my notes, transferred from internet, it says PAYMENT DUE DATE: AUGUST 10.  And the woman is on the phone, saying, "That's right, you opened the account on August 10, and now your payment is now overdue!"

"But this is July!  It isn't even August yet!"

Idk wtf, but I am not trusting these idiots with my stuff, that's for sure.  I'll have to write a letter to their upper crust and tell them politiely to fuck off.

"How did you get a gate code?!!!"

"Well I didn't pull it out of my ass!"

The same lady who was yelling at me, "YOU ARE THE PROBLEM (NOW GIVE US MONEY)!" - was the lady who initially processed me - and gave me the gate code!!!

It's the damn vaccines!

They turned my sisters into conspiratorial zombies.

They gave my dog a weird eye and turns us both into lethargic magnets whenever the sun goes ape.








Soooo....  Yes, I am pretty damned tired of this tactic, coming at me from every direction.  Ever since I moved here, in 2021, people have been acting like "YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!" and proceeding to rape me of any power they could, every which way from Sunday.


A tow for only $80 is pretty good.

A van that breaks down as soon as I get it here?  Not very good.

$500+ for repairs.  Not good.

Having to get a van in the first place?  Insane I had to resort to that.  Just to survive.  Insane I had to raid my savings.  Insane I had to disrupt my stored food.  Or my excellent mowing job.  Any possibility of a survival garden here.  All because this place is full of people form Illinois.

But, I did mention that one of my banks cards gave me a break on payments - which will bring down my credit rating yet a little more.

And I did mention that another, dif kind of break is possible on my banks second card.  (Something I wanted to get done today).

And I found a few hundred dollars on old gift cards.

And I got $75 in the mail today!  Blaines F&F credit-card rewards, in the form of paper "ecards" as gift cards to be used at any F&F, including online.  That's a good thing.  What crucial thing/s could I buy at F&F?!  Any suggestions?  Pecans?!  Illinois pecans?

I mean to sell my beloved Troy-bilt mulcher-mower.  I doubt I will get $200, which is what it is worth - but getting another $100 would be a good thing.

So, much more money is going out than is coming in - but it still helps to find ways to bring some money in, right?  Which is why I ate a lot of tofu and am now walking the streets at night.

I am cutting back on Walmart orders.  Eating into stored food a little.  Frozen.  Sometimes not eating at all.  Too sick or busy.  Or eyes so cloudy I can find refrigerator.

I saved on something else earlier - can't remeber what, not sure.  I did find that Newsmax Magazine renewed my subscription for $50, after me trying to get them NOT to.  So, I got that charged removed.  I never read that mag - I only got it for the little survival radio.  $12 wasn't bad.  I do';t know what the point of Newsmax is.  It's like the slightly far-right's version of Newsweek.

Getting eye exam covered by Medicare + gift card was good.  And getting help fro Medicare / Medicaid on eye surgery will be a good thing.

Still have to get help paying utility bills.

But, I am workin it, workin it, when I am not hardly working.

Stopped buying cat food for the dog.  Every penny counts.

I don't buy burritos anymore, a woo hoo.  Don't eat cereal.  Makes me too ill.  Virtually no alcohol in months.  Haven't seen Gretchen in weeks.  She's the tenant in the basement with the linoleum.

Well, switching subjects...

Here's what happened when I went to get the van...

Waited for city bus, caught.  Got later bus to Chicago Amtrak downtown.  Wanted earlier bus, but this worked out fine.  Got train at Amtrak.  Saw many near train folding or unfolding recombinant bike.  Or whatever they are called.  I think they are also in the vaccines.

I talk to this tropical girl about the music of love from her island, called, "campa!"  Young strangers to my right carried on wonderful convo, they should marry each other.  I got called to front of train to wait for my Indiana town.  Then a Mexican-type dude sat down next to me.  His name...  Oh, something, I forget.  He was all sad and worried because they were kicking off the train.  So, I set in, talking with him.

He said he had lost his ticket.  On his way from San Fran to WDC, to surprise his sister, who hadn't heard form him in 20 years.  He had that recombinant bike with him.  So, we had a very at-length convo about what he might do, and so forth.  He offered to sell me his gold chain, etc.  Some old lady gave him $5.

So, the guy gets off the train at the the place I get off.  And he offers to sell his bike to me for $100, and I say I thought I had that amount, but not now.  He wanted to take a train back into Chicago, for some reason.  The, he kind of ended up being a companion of mine.  As I tried ut the van, he waited, to try and sell me his bik, now for $40 or something.  Which was a great deal.  I was ready to go for that, but encouraged him to keep the bike, as it could be helpful to him - the best thing he had going for him - esp. since he now wanted to hitchhike on the Chicago area highways.

I end up with this guy and his bike inside the van, as I head out.  As we pull in at a gas pump, a scrape the long-turning van against a post, which bangs his head.  I ask him to pump 10 gallons gas for me, but - I finally found out today, he only pumped $10 gas.  Which is why I ended up out of gas, later.

I really wanted to help this guy, but the best I could do, since it was getting dark fast, was to take him to the interstate, where he took his bike, and set off to hitchhike.  Pretty sad.

at first, I had to question whether this guy might be FBI, or something weird.  His story just seemed well crafted for me, in particular.  But, I guess it may have all been true.  He didn't seem to have it 100% all together and was, when all was said and done, basically just kind of bumbling through his situations.  So, I would say, the "vaccines" strike again!

I spend hours trying to get out of Chicago area, completely unable to read night road signs - above or at the side.  It was absolute hell.  Kept stopping in at places to "refine" directions, only to forget everything they had told me, due to my CFS cogniive issues flaring up.  Stressful.  Exhausting.  Expensive.

Losing gas near Elgin, Illinois, did a good job of getting van to best spot along side of road.  Went and rang bell of nearest house.  No one answered.  (I later learnt there was a little old lady in there, too afraid to answer).  No luck there.

Walked across a little bridge, towards lights - which were not a gas station, but an outpost of the community college.  I walked the circumference, shining my bright emergency flashlight at the windows.  Even though there were computers on, inside, and a school police care, etc., outside, nobody responded.  Lucky to have my Obamaphone - precisely why I have my Obamaphone!  Called 911.  Sat and waited - very cold.  Ate a boiled egg.  Waited over an hour.

Cop showed up.  We talked, and I had to figure out if this was a man or a woman.  It was a man.  Nice black guy with christian tattoos all over his arms.  And, we became pretty good friends!  Except that I was so sick, exhausted and cold, this was a nice time.  Sadly, I had locked myself out of the van, in addition to running out of gas.  (Another consequences of my clouded CFS brain).  So, he drove me back ot the van, and he called for 5 gallons gas to be brought by a tower - for $85!  AND - he set to trying to open my van using a glorified version of a coat hanger.

We spent a long time, trying to guide that tool over an impossible, protruding door handle, just to catch the latch, and pull it open.  Shining flashlights.  Yelling commands.  Over and over, trying and trying.  Then, I think, "Hey!"

So, I run to the back of the van, and open back door!  I scamper inside, up front, and open the door for the cop!  And we both agreed that this was a miracle, lol.  I mean - it would have been shit creek forever if that hadn't happened.  He said he checked every door first - except the back door(!)  Well, I tell ya.

The tower guy finds I have CFS issues, and so leads me to the gas station, so I can get more gas.  And - so nice of him - he sat there in his truck, waiting for me to finish, so he could indicate, by turning his truck, where the proper direction for me to turn out would be.  I swear, if he hadn't done that, I could have been lost for hours more.

I was directed to a nearby country.  Overshot my destination by 20 miles.  Some idiot at a gas station had lied to me, in fact.  I ended going back, right near where that guy was, so I could get on the right road back to this here city.  "Get engine serviced soon" light went on.

More of the same, until I got my bearings, and drove home.  Got here at 6:am (my time) - just in time to take dog out, as usual.  Parked van in back of yard and later discovered battery was dead.  Recharged, and still van would not start.  Weird clicking noise under dash.  Also may have killed starter.

So.  We have this expensive development.  And we now have a storage locker that I should get rid of ASAP.

But I try.  And I try.  And I try, try, try, try, try.   Hey, that's what I say.  Sings the salsa lady on my radio.  No, no, no.

Now she's in Spanish.

Now she's doing a fast version of "Cars"!


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