Fish Head

Jun 17, 2023 07:15

In America, today, have you ever noticed that the more money a person makes - the more professional class - then the more they lie to themselves and to others?  OR, the bigger the idiots they are, harmfully to other people?  OR - BOTH!  It really does look like a strong correlation.  Well, in a country or empire, headed decidedly into decline, especially economic and cultural, then of course this is going to happen!  And, so, the further up the ladder of wealth and power, into the halls of WDC, morality is completely Bizarro, and corruption and denial and lies are everywhere.  So it looks like little more than a simmering Confederacy Of Dunces.  Especially when you look at it from the point of view that the money is pointless.  When money is taken out of the equation - which will will be happening soon enough - you just look at these people, filled with embarrassment over them.  Over what has happened, to something a tad more noble.  But, tell that to any of them, and they will shut you down.

Somewhere in THIS PODCAST lies a related critique of what has been happening to American society, especially in the upper rungs.  (2.5hr)

(I am trying some morning decaf mocha. Because of the supplement, I went off this, which worked out fine. Once or twice, I'd do a cup or two later in the morning. But, this time, I am trying it earlier, with a very cloudy, woozy, floaty brain going on. Trying to force a day to begin. We'll see. Will probably need a nap, either way. Must take out dog now).

american decline / declinism - usa, psychology - denial - group, lies / lying / liar liars, denialism, american corruption - usa, lies - empire and lies, democrats in denial, idiots

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