
Jun 16, 2023 11:37

My dog is sleeping nearby.  Things must be working!  He let out several giant wags of his tail in his sleep!  So great to see!!!

Idk what he is dreaming about.  It started off with a bark.  It is very likely that he is dreaming about the nice German Shepherd who dances around behind his fence, happy to see my dog when we are out.  Many times, when we'd be out, my dog would be in the dumpers, and not dump, and just watch that dog with fair interest.  Sometimes, he would get very interested and distracted.  Which is more good than bad.

There was a time when that dog would bark angrilly at seeing us.  But then he learnt that my dog was harmless and nice and good.  He might also have noticed the times when my dog looked ill.  Most of those times are done, (at least until my dog gets a bit older).  That made the dog even more compassionate towards my dog.  I used to think of asking that guy over there, the owner, who sometimes has other dogs out, if he would like to take my dog to live with them, so he could live out his final days in funness.

But, I also have this vision for my dog - if we can move to another place, this will be one more adventure for him, before he goes, whether sooner or later.  And there are one or two places, at least, which would serve that well.

That German Shepherd...  I recently looked at him, all happy, suddenly, watching us.  And this has to do with the nature of the universe, maybe...

I thought how that dog, like many creatures, understood an alternate future had emerged.  Because, I had saved my dog from certain extinction, (via a sister who says she has my best interests at heart, but obviously doesn't).  For some time, my dog has producing small and huge whimpers in is sleep, as if he knew his death would be coming soon.  That's really how I read it - and was pretty sure of it, actually.  So sad, so tragic.  Maybe it had to do with his awareness of his illness.  Maybe he, too, was reading tea leaves in his sleep.  And was aware that reality had shifted.

I have had similar thoughts in the past - and posted about them.  How psychic awareness can read or predict the future - how that might work.  But, neither is the future static or statistically predictable, or is it something our consciousness creates.  It is dynamic and somewhat creatable, who's predictability can shift.  A little of both.  It's soooo interesting.  And I can;t do the subject justice, right now.  But, just remember that, while all the rest of reality conspires to keep things stable and predictable, the quantum realm is all about (creative or willful) Observers collapsing bits of it into true realities.  Since the quantum realm is as much around us as are other realms of reality, then this does have some significant, sometimes gross, sometimes critical influence on the future.

Simply: God helps those who help themselves.

And that idea that there is some kind of over-Daemon at play - at least some kind of spiritual dynamic shared by everything - does give some attention to the hypothesis that, when artificial intelligence and robots are created, out of sheer matter, mechanics and electric circuiting - from without - there is a good chance that it can turn, "demonic," wishing to destroy its earthly creator.  (Above whatever sinister programmes might be keyed into it/them by evil geniuses).  This can also true - if true - for self-assembling G.O. mechanics within the human body.  And those who point and twirl and drop dead in terror, could in fact be seeing true demons.  But, this is just an out-there hypothesis for now, of course.  But a warning sign: Not to trust machines and AI - or the "possessed" - above your own intuitions.

Back to my dog:

So, a stronger hypothesis is that my dog sees into a new future, just like the German Shepherd.

How much of this - all of it? - might actually be due to me acting more positive, considerate and low-stress around him?  I have been going out of the way not to show signs of stress from this move - trying to act normal, keeping the old routine and ways going, as much as I can.  Because, when he sees piles of stuff being piled up in the living room, he can guess that something is up, especially when, the last time this happened, life was hell for us, and he ended up being sent away for a month at a doggie camp which gave him PTSD, and exacerbated his illness.  How much?

I honestly don;t think all of it.  Something more has happened.  He would not have wagged like that under normal conditions.  German Shep[herd would not have changed like that.

It also cannot be discounted that his health therapies have been working, over the long haul.  That includes the latest supplement - maybe especially.  Despite the short term-after-effects, I know it has been helping me, so why not him?  Helping to rid us, in fact, of the graphene oxides demons in out blood.  A little.  Bit by bit.

Minute by minute.

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I must be ready to be up and out soon, with another chance to get at-least-an-ID at the DMV, etc., with my Doobie Sister. Then a little dinner with her and my younger Doobie Brother later.

Yesterday's activity and forward-thinking left me with some frontal brain and fatigue probs, still with me. (Dinner, etc., will cut into health/activities more). Can't push self or everything will collapse. But I have been looking at storage locker possibilities. They are all so very expensive now! I already pay monthly for an ongoing storage locker. So I will see if they might give me a discount on a second - otherwise too expensive. Would be helpful to have them in one location, so I can empty the new one, and then whittle down contents of old one, put them into the new, smaller locker, and pay less per month. Most important would be to get everything to a very cheap locker I see up in N. Wisconsin, where I hope to go. Also doing other simple stuff online but must rest soon. If I don't, my picture will look like one of my eyes is missing...

psychic - animals, moving 2023, my dogs - king, ++, success success "idk", my cfs diary (2023)

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