One grows up when one realises that the world is full of animals who call themselves humans and have big brains. These human animals never went through any kind of right of passage, bat mitzvah or baptism into some higher state of being, knowing and acting.
Instead, they chose not to step up and step forward. They chose not to chose. They preferred to remain in a world of emergency, want and coercion. A world of animals. And, to this end, their big brains subvert all other means and ends. Including those of other people, and technologies, who act as their god-like legs, arms and opposable thumbs. And they build institutions often mistaken for glorified machine guns.
These are the people who go around, in the better-constructed world, tearing things down, every here and there, reaping the benefits of the destruction for their own vain edification and power. They do not build local circuitry any finer but, instead, burn it out, with their expensive and loud obfuscations, confusions and trail of chaos, whom some people envy as bold and new.
But it is old and putrid - shitting where you eat - eating where you spew. It is the way of a self-exiled animal, constructing its own cage, consuming all else around. An animal errantly called man. And he will do anything he can, chase any kind of prey, tell any kind of lie, just to hunt a head, including pressing that little red button that says:
Dead, dead, dead.
These are the Conflict entrepreneurs - short-circuiting sense and sensibility at the expense of sanity and general progress. They would rather blow up a building to get attention than help build a new one, brick by brick, brother to brother, thinking, planning, creating. They would rather throw food than cook it. They would rather map out an entire pandemic, and bring all the human race to its knees, than invent a cure for cancer, so long as it leaves them more parking space in the morning. Because theirs is not to be right, or grant right, but to appear right, and to buy and sell and steal rights of way every which way available.
To do this, they use money and might. Which, as the artifice of Caesar, the illusion of the material world, may attract many people to their side. Many lonely, hungry people, abused by animals in the past, wanting a free meal, or a free ride, or just a momentary shelter from the storm. But what they find themselves getting into is slavery, and indentured servitude, and suffering. They did not get what they prayed for - they became prey, instead. Caught in a trap schemed out by some big brain, driven by nothing more than an animal, again.
And they say, "Woops. Just my luck."
These victims would blame themselves for a rainy day. So they are the easy prey of animals such as these. Nothing more than canon fodder, in the end. Would you be one of these sheeple, laying your life down to a raging funeral pyre gone wild? Would that excite you? Or stun you long enough to mistake the face of Satan for that of the glory you could have inheritted? All this for a discarded lock of wool? You laid your life down for the perverted jungle born form a maniac's mind, and playing itself out for the destruction of mankind? Of man, who is kind?
Of man, who has graduated into a higher mind?
Like animals, their victims turn on each other. Slaughter each other. First in thought, then in word, then in elegant ways of the world, first meant to bring us all up instead of tear us all down. The
crisis entrepreneurs - the
narcissists and psychopaths - the
Destructionists - invoke FEAR, and manipulate through lies and mayhem, offering themselves as the saviours, against all terrors, representing themselves as the step-up to higher plane of being. They hijack every trend and then offer themselves as the wave of the future. But they are parasites. They are just animals - hunting and attacking and exploiting and dominating - except using bigger brains to get the job done. Never believe a brain just because it is bigger. That way lies devolution.
(Come back to this - I'll complete it soon. Dog is a badger)...
Are you an animal, disguised behind a big brain? What are your goals in this world? What do you truly accomplish? If you call yourself a progressive, what real progress have you helped manifest? If you call yourself a conservative, what good things have you helped to conserve? If you call yourself a liberal, whom do you liberate, other than yourself? If you make claims to religion, is there a god walking with you? Or is that the last thing anyone might expect?
Do you live in an environment where everything is falling apart - constantly? Do you ever ask yourself if, or how, you might be implicated in such backwards destructivity? In such
dysfunction? If someone is attacking you, is it because that person is a crazed animal, or because your actions appear to be those of a crazed animal? Or both? DO you mean harm? Does it look like you mean ham? Are there vibes in the universe suggesting that you mean harm?
How do you know if you might be a big-brained human who is actually an animal? Because, you don't have to be out, destroying things, hunting down prey, meaning harm all day, to fit the definition - the mark - of a beast. You may be a beast of burden. You may haul the load and tow the line and eat the bugs. You may take the shot. Are you aware you have been shot? Are you in shock. Are you strapped to the top of some globalist's truck? Do you have fantasies of feeding daisies one day?
Do you close your eyes to facts and higher truths? Because you deeply dread what implications may arise? If one and one were two? If the geometry worked out not according to your rote expectations? If the world was not constructed to be the place you had been dreaming it to be?
If the answer is yes to some of these questions, then you may be a big brained human who is actually just an animal. And, so, your place in society - in civilisation - may tend more towards negative than positive. Futures you may imagine may result in actual harm to innocent people. No matter how quiet you may be about it. No matter how seemingly good your intentions.
There are no more dangerous psychos and narcs than those who promise good intentions. And garner support for them far and wide. Every wanna-be bride knows there are sweet-talking snakes out there - and knows enough these to avoid! It is instinctual. The gut suspicion, the oblique warning, the moment of hesitation - it is probably natural and correct. Rather than something to be burnt off as fuel for mania or obsession or denial. Or imaginary competition in the head. Gaming for its own sake. Hunting prey for the blood lust. Being an accomplice for the mere, visceral thrill of it.
Hating some targetted enemy just to feel like there is something solid in one's life. That one not only feels right, but IS right. When all one may be involved in is a mass psychosis - creeping fascism - the world turning into a jungle of genocide.
"The unexamined life is not worth living."
This is because humans are, basically, animals. And our higher mission to to progress above and beyond it. In order to preserve our freedoms, we must forever be on guard against those animal dangers which would naturally, and possibly supernaturally, tear them down. Dangers like the demolition of moral and cultural foundations stabilising society for higher learning, cooperation, advance.
Dangers like the trespassing over boundaries and walls, which makes a muddle of the laws, and takes everyone's time and attention away from productivity and towards reactivity.
Dangers like labels and presumption of guilt, which take us back to the days of witch-hunting, and hanging and burning - which were no more than animal pogroms - like chimpanzees on a killing spree.
The last thing we need is to believe, and believe in, the labels handed to us by those supposedly on-high, that we would proceed to fight amongst ourselves, on their behalf. What made them "on-high" in the first place? Divine right? I don't think so, but many people act like that's the way it is.
Personal charm? Natural ability? Bigger brains?
No. Not so much. There are two things that culture tyrants:
Means, meaning MONEY...
And mania, or the vain presumption of authority.
False prophets profit from our inane, insane obeisance. That is, from our own vanity.
And we can either let things slide in this direction, protecting our own selfish, safe presumptions, until the day comes when so many must resort to reviving the tree of liberty with their own sacrificial blood - or we can heed Jefferson's truth that “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."
Curran, 1790:
“It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt.”
Eternal vigilance not only of the creeping aspirations of potential tyrants and fools - predators - but of our own assent to animal depravities.
That vigilance also involves an active, dynamic aspiration towards self-improvement, on a moral plane.
Not necessarilly religious, we are moral animals. Animals with Superegos. Animals with self-reflexion and self-realisation, with the opportunity to self-actualize, and bring essence to ethics.
We are a species with a higher brain, meant not to bring us back into the mire, but to elevate us into what is higher, and farther, and finer, than evolution could ever - and ever had - known on its own, through its lowly, endless smouldering of fear, and hate, and greed, and murder. We have a brain meant for making tools, not weapons.
Let us make fools, not gods, who use it for more primitive purposes!
All along the way of our evolution as individuals, as a species, and as a civilisation, we have held in our hearts and our funny-thumbed hand THE WILL TO CHOOSE.
There is no will to choose, to forge ahead, to reach higher ground, to soar, WHERE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE HAS BEEN STOLEN.
And if only we retain the right to speak, and to stand, free - to perpetually choose - then, we will not lose.
Our intelligence is not artificial.
It is is genuine and original.
And sleeps as a soul - the potential - in every one of you.