Apr 12, 2023 16:45

Hillsdale College Robert F Kennedy Jr LIVE on the cdc and vaccinesafety https://t.co/e6Mjys7qoc
- The Jewell Effect (@JewellEffect) March 6, 2023
Here is a clip with the Intro from RFK Junior's speech at Hillsdale College, where he calls out the true global conspiracy which oversaw the COVID scam, and means to control everyone and everything. A REAL, BIG conspiracy.  Yes, it used thousands of innocent helpers.  By preaching that they were helping to save the world.  Stop believing them!  They want money, power, control and HARM.

As I mentioned, this guy is the long-time modern hero of mine.  A sincere environmentalist and human rights advocate.

He has had issues with vaccines.  They call him an anti-vaxxer.  But we all know that normal vaccines are just fine.

kennedy - robert jr. rfk jr., politics - 2024 / elections, vaccine madness / mandates, nwo / wef / great reset

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