The Truth About Black Helicopters!

Mar 21, 2023 06:36

I'll make this friends-only.  Since the tinfoil is not keeping the spies out of my computer. (NOTE - I changed my mind!)

Oh, boy, what a bad CFS day yesterday/this-morning was, I tells ya.  I accomplished two things:

Made a fresh to-do and shopping list.

Ordered three supplements from Walmart.

I should tell you.  One thing for fighting both deadly elements in the clot shots is N.A.C.*  Don't miss this great price via Walmart!

* See links for how NAC fights Graphene Oxide (GO) and the spike protein.

GO can produce most of the same problems as the spike protein. Things that fight GO often also fight the spike protein. Some claim that no COVID virus exists, and so no spike protein exists, even in the vaccines. My jury is currently out, on this debate.

The GO link above contains good video.

GO is reactive to electro-magnetic waves, (ergo photons). It is way reactive to 5G and 6G. It reacts by magnetising and forming into larger "crystals" of GO, which cut into cells and invite inflammation and immune response. (See THIS POST for more on GO).

GO (and the spike protein) is present in the mRNA clot shots.

GO (and the spike protein) can be transmitted by skin contact, the air, etc., because it is a tiny, lipophilic nanoparticle. So, even if you do not have COVID or have not been vaccinated, having NAC is a good thing. They may be dumping GO into the air and water.

DISINFORMATION: I came upon the following story/s posted across the internet. It is quite probably CIA-type disinformation, meant to make people studying GO look like crazy "conspiracy theorists." This planted disinformation says that "seeds" for flying helicopters get into people's bodies and grow into actual, large black helicopters. This is ridiculous, but it does appear to mock how GO, a metallic substance, does grow within (or without) the body. (GO might be responsible for Morgellan's Disease).

The Truth About Black Helicopters!

More recent planted disinformation may be stories about, "The White Hats," and about the tall blonde or "Nordic" aliens. (Another disinfo subject wants to get pulled up in my mind by my brain won't allow it presently).

See more normal disinformation over at Yahoo News, once a somewhat reliable news service. They have been skewering anti-vaxxers for over a decade, (precisely because the vaccines were toxic, and making big money for big pharma).

Now, some facts...

I always thought people who talked about black helicopters were wacky. But, there really are black helicopters out there, given by the military to police departments across the country, just as there are men in black suits, and Stealth bommers are real, and email and cellphones are being tapped, and there are gain-of-function labs all over the place. (I learnt about g-o-f labs in Montana/Idaho, long ago, and said to myself, "This is going to be a BIG problem some day!" Was I a conspiracy theorist?!) It's all real.

In this city, at the old house, before I moved to my previous town, I noticed mean-sounding helicopters floating near my house. Eventually, I spotted one downtown, half a mile away, just hovering stationary above the giant police-et-al building and jail. Just there, in one place. Odd and weird. I also started noticing them in my next town.

It is open fact that the USA military did give military weaponry to police departments across the country. One can imagine that, as with so many other deals, some kind of strings might have been attached. Such as, "You will agree to sometimes use them is operations requested by the Pentagon."

Such operations could include training for possible internal terrorism scenaria, surveillance of WiFi, or disbursement of chemicals into the air and land below. Last year, I saw a picture of a strange dark cloud over Houston, which was likely something dumped by a helicopter or balloon - such as GO or GMO mosquitoes, idk. Not so impossible, considering the information revealing DoD participation in perpetrating deadly vaccines on the public. Or factual revelations of Gates-sponsored 'climate-manipulation', ("chem-trails").

Since moving to this present house, back in the old city, also somewhat near downtown, I have witnessed a near plague of locust-like black helicopters. Not just helicopters used by hospitals, (and TV stations), even with increased illnesses from COVID/vaccines. The official story is that these police helicopters are in training. However, their appearance is so frequent, and so erratic, and at such odd hours, and so close to houses, that it is obvious that something more is going on. What could that be?

1 - Police surveillance for urban crime-fighting purposes?

2 - Actual crime-fighting?

3 - Training for police purposes?

4 - Surveillance for military-assist purposes?

5 - Training for military-assist purposes?

6 - Release of toxins, such as GO, for depopulation assist?

7 - Intimidation, more likely for military-assist purposes?

8 - Because they can, since they have so much make-work money to spend?

Two or more of these is probably what is going on. Maybe all 8. I do get the feeling that intimidation, training for some future military control of restive citizens, and surveillance by command by the Pentagon or intelligence agency/s are all probable. It has seemed to me to be more and more likely that all of this is part of the wider scheme to extend the wide attack against the American population, which is also occurring medically, economically, culturally, etc.

It is also possible that they are preparing for an expected or planned impending world war - or are reacting to increasing UFOs, associated with such an emergency. These are very bizarre times. More bizarre than most people want to imagine. But, something/s big IS going on, whatever it is. And, lots of pieces do fit together to support only a few theories of what that might be.

As I posted months or a year ago, I have seen these helicopters come very close to the ground, and actually navigate around street corners. Actually, a corner only one house away from me. They drift in and out of audible range, but sometimes linger for a half an hour or more, then go away, then come back. And I can't hear about any of this, if it's broadcast on police radio channels, because those channels are now scrambled - not accessible to the people who pay for all this.

Some weeks ago, these craft were roaming about. I went out back with my dog, and one of them came so close, it was apparently sitting directly over this house. That's what the sound dynamics told me. Very loud, bouncing off neighbours house, etc. However, since I did not see it with my eyes, I did not confirm that this was the case. Because I am actually extremely scientific. Not like all these people accusing each other of Russian collusion, and all that. But, what were these copters doing, in any event?


Studying WiFi signals?

Just jacking around?

About 5 days ago, they were back again. This has happened at least a dozen times, since I have been here. Possibly 2 dozen. Probably the later, since it also happens when I am asleep.

I try to look for correlations. Is this happening on Friday and Saturday nights, when crime is most expected?

No. Sometimes.

Is it happening when there is some specific crime committed in the area?

No. Possibly once or twice.

Is the activity correlated to weather?


How about world events?

Apparently not, but I am not 100% sure on this. I do know that jets do become more frequent, correlated to certain world events.

Is there a correlation between copters and jets?

Apparently not.

Do the copters show up when I, personally, am using WiFi?

I am often using WiFi, so it is difficult to determine if there is any correlation. Maybe sometimes? Sometimes, I think so. I turn off my phone now.

Is there any correlation to my politically incorrect LJ posts?

Maybe, idk.

I have gone back to study if there is any correlation, here, and the hypotheses has not been disproved.

Meanwhile, my LJ does get regularly tracked, or followed, by IP's in MD and VA, Mountain View, and WA, all suspect for intelligence-related agencies. Some of them may just be internet switchings at work, idk. However, the sequence at which these occur do raise cause for suspicion. Often, a cloaked city called, "United States," is involved in these sequences. Sometimes, these sequences lead to viewings by someone in WDC, or in DE. (I have established that the former is not Chris Plante, who was told about this journal). There is a good possibility that the WDC person comes over after btripp reposts some of my rad posts to FB. But not sure.

There is the hypothesis that, after layers of tracking or review, my posts may be brought to the attention of someone or agency associated with the president. Just a hypothesis. If that were the case, then the reason why that happen would be that the pres/related would then give the go-ahead on any further actions to be taken against the likes of me.

So, I did check on past posts and, yes, the cluster of copters did follow some rad posts, mentioning Trump, and also violence. The next day, the IP sequence proceeded and ended up in DE.

The most recent clustering of copters was pretty intense. Again:


Studying WiFi signals?


Honestly, although not proved in anyway, the hypotheses described above are entirely within the realm of possibility, given what has been occurring in this country, politically, intelligence-wise, etc., within the last 10 years. I bet you don't know that NAZIs from Ukraine were used to help instigate the January 6 set-up.

"Oh, that's all crazy conspiracy theory!" - until it's not.

Yet, the messenger remains regarded as crazy even as the truth is confirmed.

Or not.

I will post some links friends-only, related to sightings of these copters locally. (I decided to make this present post public).

I forgot how or if this post was going to continue. A copter did fly by as I was writing this. Took dog for walk earlier.

If I think of more, I'll add it here later!

PS - Attacks of illness and brain issues experienced by me and my dog may sometimes be correlated. We may have different versions of the same illness. However, these simultaneously arising attacks may not always be explained by shared experiences regarding, e.g., food, emotion, exertions or sleep patterns. A hypothesis must be added to the mix:

Black helicopters may (also?) use wifi-directing weapons as a way of agitating graphene oxide in the bodies of presumably "vaccinated" people.

I don't think I have been "vaccinated", by my dog and I may have accumulated graphene oxide in our systems in various other ways.

Or not.

There are such things as wifi-directing weapons. See, "Havana Syndrome," e.g.

A truly open mind is an endlessly tortured mind.

For more than one reason.

TAG for helicopters / airplanes.


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