We are officially a banana republic.

Mar 19, 2023 17:03

Spying on the Trump campaign; over 3 years of false accusations of collusion with Russia; two BS impeachments; the raid on Mar-a-Lago - and now they are arresting him.  Trumped up charges, beyond the statute of limitations, prosecuted by a man who let criminals run free, and was bought by George Soros, like many others across the country.  This has never happened before in the history of this country.  If you think this is OK, normal, healthy and warranted, then you are not actually thinking.  A massive global conspiracy has been active in running these shams at the existential expense of the American people.  I would be just as outraged if this was McCarthyite Republicans persecuting Hillary Clinton.  There has to be an end to this creeping rigour mortis!  Arise, oh sleeping corpse!

Don't think about the vaccines.  Don't think about the Hunter/Biden sex/crimes.  Don't think of the banks stealing your money.  Don't think about the collapse of our military and economy.  Just plod along in a slow, obedient goose-step.  Once they are done with Trump, and Republicans, they will be coming after you.

Did you know that R.F.K. Jr. is probably running for president?  Oh, if only Trump had brought him aboard in 2017.  Oh, if only Trump had droned Soros, because now Soros is trying to take him down.

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Donald Trump vows to stay in 2024 race if he faces criminal charges

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Read a little history - of the same persecutors. Look at all the proved-innocent people in jail because of the government's insurrection of January 6.

DeSantis has made a fair and forceful statement but I haven't accessed that yet.

Extended discussion - Trump "I Will be ARRESTED This Week" | What Is Happening!?

crime, presidents - trump donald trump

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