Power, Capacity and... DIVINE INFORMATION! - (Part 4)

Mar 14, 2023 19:18

I am sure that there is some cosmic phenomenon in biological cognition where information arrives as if from some other place in the universe, than from the here and now.  That could be from a so-called past life, it could be from the collective subconscious, it could be from the noosphere, it could be from an oversoul, it could be from some kind of memory accretion by a holographic universe, it could be from god, or it could be from the inner self, which Socrates called, the daemon.  Ironically, demons are thought of as being contrary to the divine.  Or to divination.  But that is something to discuss later.

When I had my visions, I completely knew that I was tuning into a reality much vaster than any of us normally realise in our temporal existence.  I might have been given visuals on a future devastated and desolate Earth.  Edgar Cayce got his prophesies from tuning in, past his headaches, to a kind of transcendent society in the ether.  Tesla's insights came out of some kind of affinity to light and electricity.  The prophesies of Nostradamus followed great trauma, from the Plague, assisted by self-deprivation and ritual.  I believe that we can be connected to aspects of the universe, which are superluminal and so eternal, or outside of time and space.  We can be connected in a holographic entanglement, in a quantum version of a fourth (or fifth) dimension.

And many say that there are sacred math and geometry into which we can tap.  Either many crop circles have been constructed by NWO technonerds using highly advanced quantum computer technology, or something is transmitting them across vast distance, who has intimate knowledge of these things.  They may be sent from Sirius, from the Sun, or from god, we don't know.  Maybe even from the deep earth's core.  Our own collective unconscious may be prompting the universe to paint them out for our own benefit.  After all, in such a realm, there is no cause and effect, as we conventionally know them.

I don't know if I ever ran this video for you in the past, but I liked it.  So, here it is, now.  It just may be possible that the painting of the Prince of Peace actually does depict the historical Prince of Peace.  Stay tuned for more!

image Click to view


Here is a discussion on INFORMATION.

Children report past lives.

For avowed atheists: Just think of it this way. Every hollow has its sound. If you scrape an atom, in a special way, it may ring harmonic. That's all we're talking about.

++, psychic - savant, s- 'power / capacity / information' (ser, physics - quantum entanglement, information / information-processing, physics - superluminal info transfer

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