Power / Capacity / INFORMATION! - Part 3.

Aug 10, 2022 05:02

What is information? - "Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data. After processing -- such as formatting and printing -- output data can again be perceived as information. When information is compiled or used to better understand something or to do something, it becomes knowledge.

Notice that there is actually a fine line between information and knowledge, since information must first have meaning in some context for the receiver, and since knowledge (comprised of structured information) is oriented towards understanding or doing something meaningful.

In both, (ultimately the same), cases, information as such is dependent on the meaningful interpretation of the receiver.  In other words, until a receiver interprets it, it is not information.  (So, this thought that non-quantum computers might become conscious one day is foolish, since computers do not meaningfully interpret their bits of information, we do, after the computers have organised them into patterns to which we can apply meaning essentially unrelated to the underlying bits).

Information is the collapse of an infinitely ambiguous wave function, into a particular, here-and-now, composite of some pattern of meaning as known by the observer doing the collapsing.  All collapse is dependent on observers - all physical reality in time is subjective.  Conflicting information to this meaning, in time, is called noise.  Just as "chaos" is always ultimately a subset of order, (and vice versa), noise is always a subset of signal, or meaning.

In fact, ultimately, there could be no definition of meaning, (meaningful patterns), without a surrounding base background of conflict to meaning, (and vice versa).  There is no signal w/o the baseline context of noise, there is no disorder w/o the baseline context of signal.  What is meaningful to some finite observer is ultimately grounded on what challenges the integrity of that being.

It is widely thought that there can be information entirely independent of any local observer, as demonstrated in the consistent presence of universal physical laws, like the speed of light, or the Fibonacci Sequence in math and biology, and such expressions of organisation, as in the concept of emergence, or of attractors, persuading many that an intelligent creator must be originating the reality and meaning we observe.

However, this universality of law can be explained by the idea that there is more than a 'one' observation being practised by we humans with our instruments, (comparable to the idea that only we humans may have true consciousness or soul), but that there is a dynamic, ongoing conspiracy of observers throughout the universe, in which we are deeply implicated, which forever resolves itself into apparent universal laws, or meanings, which allow a general, widely accepted phenomenon of time to exist.  If you want to really look at universal laws, then look at two fundamental dynamics: time, and consciousness.

The one creates the other.

There cannot be, (the agreement of), time, unless there are also these, "universal laws."

What is observation?  It is measurement.  And it affects what is being measured, or manifest, not only by the single observer, but by the totality of observers in interplay, and by the general background context of chaos, or disorder.  Since observation always affects what is being observed, to some degree - and universally, at the quantum level - observation should actually be called something else, more like participatory creation, or more like the projection of meaning.

So, information is the collapse of infinity/eternity - of potentiality - into a scheme of meaning, which extends from observer into environment.  It is an active, dynamic phenomenon, only appearing to result in, sort of, static bricks by which we build our electric temples.  An observer cannot know and manipulate these bricks, information, set in the here-and-now, without exercising some elements of consciousness, and of will.  More exactly what is will, or what is consciousness, we are not going to discuss in this post.  See tags.

However, I will add that this implication is relevant to what we call, "the evolution of species," in that it provides that more is involved in natural selection than instinct and chance.  Observation, and the collapsing, (eating), of potential into in-formation, is directly relevant to both the calm equilibrium of niches, and to the disruptive will-to-power - of Nietzsche. Both, also, to the phenomena of cooperation within societies, and of narcissism and psychopathy exploiting societies.

If all observers are in actively collapsing potentiality into meaning, then it is clear that both consciousness, and the spine of consciousness, will, (as well as accident and fate), are involved, and fundamental to the dynamics of time and reality. How an observer approaches his or her limited time of existence - i.e., chooses to perceive - helps determine the extent to which will, versus fate, may predominate in the course of meaning in and of his or her life. Not only do actions and projections make or break the day, but so do reactions and interpretations.

Now, we are getting into the realm of what it means to be human. But these, "laws," also apply to amoeba and atoms. All entities are, as a de facto a priori, lol, involved in the process of observation, and so of creating reality and time, and so all entities also exercise some degree of consciousness and will, or sentience. Mind you, by our standards, hat degree may seem beyond homeopathic. After all, it is important to our own meaning to see it so.

I suppose I shall leave off discussing how (observer/s-created) information is always by some degree of emotion, but I think today's post is a great set-up for that future discussion. Let's just take things bit by bit. Yum.

I will briefly add an important concept which I have discussed several times before, and from different angles. Back to the more conventional view of what is information...

When one maximises the degree of still-available potential, or alternatives, provided by some information-based, (integer-based, atom-based), system, this is called capacitation. You can compare it to meditation, from which you awaken feeling more energetic, positive, and able to take on challenges.

Alternately, when one increases the inflow of energy, (and entropic noise), into such a system, in other words elevating one potential action above other possibilities, this is called empowerment. You can think of it as stepping up the adrenaline, and the fight-vs-flight mental polarisation, during some emergency threatening your integrity or existence.

Both capacitation and empowerment are necessary to continuing existence, at different levels at different times, and both involve altering the perception and creation of time itself. In other words, both are involved in the dynamics of consciousness, and how we observe and create meaning. And - both of these sides of being - the yin and the yang - are inseparable to what we call emotion.

Everything in the universe seeks to stay the same.

Everything in the universe also e-motes.

Your reactions can make or break the day.

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power - in physics, psychology - fight or flight, physics - observation, psychology - meditation, physics - information paradox, information / information-processing, computers, consciousness - and being, entropy - power vs capacity, information theory, physics - time (and space-time), all * consciousness, power - will to power / selfishness, s- 'power / capacity / information' (ser, +++

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